For 17 days, the people were stranded as rescue workers attempted to clear a way out of the mountain by going off controlling the explosives
. Technical problems caused several obstacles in the process, but in the end, the final two meters were drilled through by hand.
Dhami stated during a press conference on Tuesday night that all 41 employees appeared to be in good health. "Our immediate plan is to follow the doctor's advice given their exposure to a very different environment. Thankfully, none of them are in critical condition, so at first they'll be under observation," Dhami said.
They are all in excellent health and show no signs of weakness or fever.
They chose to crawl out of the tunnel even though stretchers were available," he continued, thanking the government agencies, engineers, and laborers who helped organize the rescue effort.
Dhami communicated that checks totaling 100,000 rupees, or about $1,200, will be given to each of the rescued laborers.
Dhami also stated that she would like to request the company to allow the 41 employees to take leaves of absence, which would allow them to spend 15, 20, or even 30 days with loved ones.
In a message on X, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the successful rescue and said that it provoked a strong emotional response from everyone.
With deep appreciation, he said, "The men who survived the tunnel ordeal are an inspiration to all of us because of their courage and patience."SOURCE THIS REPORT