Stress in Modern
There is a system running in our country, Command and Control Management. This system is slowly slowing down in the world, it is coming to an end, but in our country, this system still has its claws. Wherever you look, you will see that Human beings are creating other human beings in such a way that they have no time and they have no rights. You will give such a task to your colleague around 4 o'clock or 500 o'clock, which he will have to stop and complete at his house. The children are waiting, his family is waiting for his life
But our effort is to give a reward to the person who goes to an office most late, who takes the least leave, and who remains only in the office, but in modern judgment, such people are said to be in balance. These people have personalities, but they do not have balanced personalities and the neuro leaders of the future will be those people who have balanced personalities and will be complete in every aspect, they will give time to family, they will give time to home, they will give time to the office, they will take holidays, they will also travel. They will do every type of activity that they can.
It is very important for the mind and body. I have worked in many organizations, so I understand that there is a lot of stress in the organizations in big cities, which are set-oriented organizations, and also in the multinational organizations in our country. This is a big issue that is not even discussed, people get scared, and people do not say it and cannot say that I am stressed, but I told you that no person can claim to the world that I do not feel stressed because research has shown this. It says that when you come into closed rooms you come into closed walls
When scientific research comes, it says that your cottages and levels increase, you go under stress, then no person can scientifically claim in the world that he does not get stressed and when there is stress, we call people That you leave the household work at home if the child is sick, then the household work is always yours.
Do you give priority to your office work? We do this kind of politics in the office environment, do this kind of dishonesty, and work against merit. When a person is not honest when a person is biased, every person is biased, but when a person exceeds a limit, then
There he gives stress to someone or the other and when he is giving stress to someone then he is not only spoiling the health of that person which I am going to tell you today but he is also spoiling the attitude of that person.
He is spoiling the life of that man and he is also suppressing his own destiny because he will be questioned about his religion. That is why I am talking about this matter so seriously because I have seen in my 1617 years of career that Stress is increasing day by day in the body of the new generation and in new circumstances of the world but we are afraid of taking the name of stress.
Understand that if someone says that I am under stress then he is unfit for the job, he is different from the machete, that poor guy himself gets into a complex that I am under stress but because of not handling the stress. People's blood pressure is going down, people are getting sick, people's digestion system is getting spoiled, and different types of diseases are coming in people but we do not value this thing. When we were in the university, a teacher used to tell us that out of 42 people 38 are famous, and four or five have passed, I make paper very tough. If you taught 42 children and made 38 famous.
So, if things were under my control, I would confiscate your license. I don't understand what kind of teacher you are, what kind of teacher you taught the children for four months, what kind of upbringing you gave them, what kind of leadership you gave them that you failed 38 people. In my class, 38 children failed in one subject and became Jenny's patients, some missed the university, some poor people had come from home after saving money for each semester and they did not tell their family, some were doing part-time jobs. Had fallen somewhere, someone started taking drugs, 100 types of missiles, and on what basis that a sir
Have I thought that I have failed so many students or they might have said that if there is money per semester then you can fail, how much stress they have given, how many lives they have spoiled, so many students have ruined it just because we understand in the university? That he is not a master who doesn't fail.
I don't consider him a master. Modern science doesn't consider him a master. If you are a master and there are children in your class then you have to believe that do self-reflection and look at your teaching methods. Allah Ta'ala. gave 80 billion neurons 80 billion in this brain
Neuron Mishal Kaku says that our brain is the most complex machine in the world. Such a great science. If he is saying that the most complex machine in the world is our brain, then you sell a child in such a way that he doesn't even know anything, so who is in the university. We give stress in private universities and public universities, it spoils the life of children, children fall into various types of addictions, get addicted, diseases go on in the house, many poor people cannot study, we do not think about it, we children. do not say that
Friend, how to do stress management, there is no such consultant in our university, and there is no psychology psychiatrist who should tell the children how to handle exam pressure? You have learned how to handle stress, then in the same way we students coming to college face a lot of exam stress but we do not give them any help, we do not give them awareness as to how to handle this stress. To end Five teachers set their own tests in a day, and do not coordinate among themselves, due to miscommunication, now we will set five tests in a day.
Child, you drank coffee all your life and went to study. Do you know what effect coffee has on your brain? Coffee brings you into focus temporarily but its long-term disadvantages are that it bypasses your system which is Trying to dominate due to sleep and tiredness, so first of all I have talked about this so strictly, that you will see that the number of full-time jobs will be decreasing and people will do those jobs in which there is a contract for a few hours for a few days. Will fulfill the contract and will take money as freelancers do today.
Children started working, do not work from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm.