How NASA is Saving Airline Industry Fuel
December 17, 2023
How NASA is Saving Airline Industry Fuel The innovations originating from space research facilities extend far beyond their intended space applications, finding versatile use across various industries. Today, let's delve into the significant impact these advancements have made in the airline industry.
If you've ever noticed the curved wingtips of aircraft, known as winglets, they serve a critical function in minimizing turbulence at the wingtips. This plays a pivotal role in stabilizing flights while also contributing to significant fuel savings. These winglets have been proven to reduce fuel consumption by approximately 5 to 8 percent, consequently leading to a substantial decrease in carbon dioxide emissions.
Now, let's explore NASA's groundbreaking software technology, famously referred to as Digital Winglets, despite not being physical hardware. This innovative system, TASAR (Traffic Aware Strategic Aircrew Requests), originates from NASA's Langley Research Center. TASAR operates by strategically guiding aircraft on the most optimal, efficient, and secure routes, employing cutting-edge techniques such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and genetic algorithms.
Ordinarily, upon takeoff, a plane's route is predetermined by air traffic control. However, in the event of unforeseen circumstances during the flight, such as weather or technical issues, necessitating route alterations, the conventional process involves communication with the control center, resulting in delays in decision-making. Enter NASA's TASAR, embraced by numerous airlines, including APiJET, utilizing this technology under the moniker of Digital Winglets. The CEO of APiJET asserts that this technology saves an impressive 28,000 pounds of fuel for every 100 flights. Moreover, Alaska Airlines is actively testing and exploring the potential of this innovation.
This technology not only represents a significant milestone in aircraft fuel efficiency but also stands as a crucial step towards mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, a pivotal measure in combatting the challenges posed by global warming.