Ocean systems
Water Cycle

Readers! When we ask evolutionary scientists, why is water, which is so essential for life, only on our earth?
So the answer is that it is a coincidence.
Is this really a coincidence?
Let's examine in this post whether it is "one" coincidence or a long series of coincidences that is not ending.
If we analyze only the water issues, the line of coincidences starts.
How ?
Let's understand.
If you ask the question of science, why is there water on earth?
So the answer will be.
Since water was needed to live, water came.
from where ?
do not know .
Is this answer satisfactory?
Does this not include the confession of a designer who knew that the creature he was designing could not survive without water?
Why is water important?

If there was no water, life on earth could not exist. Even today, if the water runs out for any reason, life may die within a few hours. There is no confinement of humans, animals, plants, insects or microbes in it. Everything you call alive will be dead without water.

But the elimination of water is not possible. This is because we do not use even a single drop of water but simply pass it through our bodies. Just like washing the external body with water, we call bathing. We do exactly the same thing for the inner body when we drink water.
There is a small water cycle that everyone knows. Fire of the sun on the sea. Evaporation of water. Cloud formation. Wind blowing the clouds and then falling in the form of rain. This is a small water cycle.
But there is also a huge water cycle of water. All living things come in this water cycle.
All bodies absorb water according to their needs. As long as these organisms are alive, a certain amount of water is always present in their bodies. Then when that body becomes dead, that water separates from that body and becomes part of the earth again. That is, there is no waste in any case.
Now the next question
Why is sea water salty?
Answer: The salt kept flowing down from the mountains along with the rain water and mixed in the sea until the sea became salty.

So is this answer satisfactory?
How is this the answer? My question was based on why.
Makes this question a little ugly.
Before this question to science, we ask one more question.
What would happen if there was no salt in the sea?
Science will answer with a sigh that then there would be no life on this earth. Neither we nor you. No one would be alive.
Reason ?
The reason is that such a large supply of fresh water cannot be preserved for a long time, otherwise it will rot, which itself will become a threat to all life. There is 36 million square kilometers of ocean in this world. That is, one part of the earth is dry and three parts is water. And if all this water becomes foul, it will cover the whole earth.
After this answer, now repeat the previous question again.
Why is sea water salty?
And the answer is that the salt kept flowing from the mountains along with the rain water and mixed in the sea until the sea became salty.
Is this answer satisfactory now?
I think this answer is now a million times more unsatisfactory than it was before.
That is, if the matter is that we do not care about the saltiness of the sea, then the salt should come and join the sea without our permission.
But if we come to know that the salt found in the sea is connected with our life and death, then the next question will certainly arise of the designer.
Who knew that the sea must be salty?
Next question.
Why are waves created in the sea?
The answer is that waves are created in the ocean due to the pressure of the air and the attraction of the moon.
Is this answer satisfactory?
This is also the answer to how and not why.
So let's repeat the same previous experience here and make this question a little ugly.
What would happen if there were no waves in the ocean?
The answer is the same. There would be no us, no you, no life here.
Reason ?
The reason is that the salt that is going into the sea is not enough to just go into the sea. Rather, its dissolution in water is also very important. Like you put two spoons of salt in a glass. But if you don't solve it, the effects of this salt will remain only up to the bottom of the glass. In the same way, if there are no waves in the water, the salt will continue to accumulate in the layer, but it will not dissolve in the water and the result is the same foulness.
Now just sit and think that the cause of the bounce in the sea is only wind and gravity.
Or is there someone who wants our life in every situation?
Next question.
Why does it rain?
The answer is that the sun pours its heat on the water and the water evaporates and forms clouds. Then the wind drives these clouds. Then those clouds go to land and rain and we drink that water.
Is this answer satisfactory? Make it a little ugly too?
What would happen if there was no rain and we drank the sea water directly without this filter system?
The scientific answer is that we would have died.
Why ?
Because the stomach does not accept salted water at first and even if it does, it becomes a cause of dehydration. This is the reason why people in the middle of the sea can die of thirst due to lack of fresh water, but they cannot drink sea water.