Why Protest Against GMOs Spread in Ireland




          Today I am going to tell you a very painful story and this story is of a country whose name is Ireland. We are talking about the Irish history that took place in this country in 1940. She said that there was so much hunger that one out of every six people was dying. People were dying from hunger and diseases in many places. They did not have enough land to bury their dead bodies. People were slowly destroying this country. Started leaving Ireland's population of 8.5 million, approximately less than 8.5 million

The population of this country is still less but half the population has reduced and what was the reason for that. I am showing you the graph here and this is the graph of the population, so you can see that the Irish What a pity that 1 million 10 lakh people died because of it. How regrettable this incident was and along with it 1.5 million 15 lakh people left their country and many such things happened due to which people moved away from their country. If you go there, you will see a tip. You will see how the population came down after the famine and till today the island is fighting this problem.

It is said that due to this fungus, two crops are grown in abundance on the island, tomatoes are in abundance but potatoes are in abundance and there is a variety of fungi which is called late.


 Blight says that he destroyed 90 percent of the potato crop. When he destroyed 90 percent of the potato crop in 1940, there was hunger on the island. This disease was so dangerous that it was carried from one place to another by the wind, so it was Animals were also present, birds were also present, insects were also present, but they spread very fast through the air and reached Ireland.

Those who are in prosperous areas or rural areas, used to harvest potatoes more because potatoes are cooked quickly, they are a cheap vegetable and they can be eaten very easily, you do not have to prepare much of it, hence it was the garden of the poor.

 When there was an attack on potatoes, the conditions became very difficult for the poor and we have such bad conditions here.

 This saying remained true till 1850 and even after that its effects are still there till today but this saying remained true for 10 years from 1850. Even after 160 years, this fungus is still present on the island, it is still called the 5 billion US dollar problem.

It was named the F.B. USD problem. It is such a big disease and because of it, the global industry of potatoes suffered a lot of damage.

 Too many pesticides were used and medicines were used that it was destroyed. Due to this the potatoes also started becoming poisonous because the pesticides which are meant to kill insects do not leave a very good effect on the fungus.

 There was a breakthrough in 2015 in our environment and in that breakthrough. In a genetically modified organism one such

The species which was changed by humans to be potato was created and it defeated this fungus whose name was late blight. It is a matter of great happiness that these potatoes started being planted at various places on the island.

 I will also show you the picture here. So you can see that the potato has fungus inside it and along with it you can see the GMO genetically modified potato, you do not see any kind of fungus in it, its name is the brand name of these potatoes. Gone were the innate potatoes, they started earning a lot of money, and there was no concern for the environment either.

Because now we did not have to use pesticides and it was also very good for people's health, so Ireland and other countries also started growing these potatoes more and more, but what happened next was that Ireland started growing these potatoes.

 It was banned and the reason for it was the reaction of the people. People gradually turned against these potatoes because it was told in the media that viruses and bacteria were being spread among the general public through these potatoes. When people heard these things from the media, These potatoes were immediately boycotted and a lot of politics took place over whether these potatoes would now be sold.

When these potatoes are eliminated, appetite comes back. If these potatoes are used, then this type of news will start coming. We do not know whether these potatoes contain viruses or bacteria. But I just want to tell you how genetically modified organisms theoretically work if they are made properly. Let me also tell you here that our population will be 10 billion in 2050. The world population is a little more than seven billion at present. You don't have crops for 10 billion, nor will you have that much space because the population is increasing.

If there is, then the space will keep decreasing, you do not have that much food, due to global warming, there is a lot of pressure on us, there is a lot of pressure on our food and slowly and gradually you are seeing that the climate is changing and the years are increasing and The dose is decreasing, here the role of genetically modified organisms comes into play. The debate is different whether they are right or wrong, they will have harm or benefit, but it is very important to understand and see them scientifically so that tomorrow. We can also create such crops in genetically modified organisms and create such seeds.

We may be making something right now in Pakistan, but we have to do this work. I'll take you with me, a strawberry.

 The size of which is very big and we want to increase the size of all the strawberries in our country, so now we have to genetically modify it. Now to genetically modify it, it is necessary to make some procedures. I will tell you more. 

I am going to tell you the procedure here, how we will engineer its genetics, what will be its methods, how will we change it so that the size of this strawberry is

If it becomes big then the first step would be that you have to see the specialty which you want. In this case we want a big size then this is the trait. The size of the strawberry is the trait. This is the trait that we want. So first of all you have to identify the strawberries.

 The size was big, so we separated them and took them to a lab. Now the third step is to extract the genes from the big-sized strawberries and extract their DNA, that is, the sequence of the DNA. We can do that work very easily. Such technology exists and then we inject those genes into small strawberries.

And then grow them breed by breed, then when we grow them, these strawberries will slowly start giving us bigger strawberries in the next generation.

 This is the way through which we change things and let me tell you this. That there are many such things that we do not know about but they have been genetically modified and we are eating them, so the debate here is very important whether these things are right or these things are not right. But let me tell you that in the Mustaqbil which is coming toward us

We will not survive without GMOs, so it is important that today we take pride in doing a lot of research on genetically modified organisms in our universities and we will make their seeds or their recipes because if we ourselves we will be confident that it does not contain any bacteria, virus or anything that can harm humans, but as long as these seeds come to our country from the multinational company, our people will also be worried just like the people of Ireland. What are we eating and their

What will be the effects on our bodies, to remove this thing, I always say that we will have to create technology in our country, only then we will come out of this circle from the world circle that we will not use the things of white people and then we will go back.

 We will be left and gradually those things will also have to be used, then the next thing will come, then we will say that we did not use it because there will be something in it and then after 10 years we will start using it and we will always be behind, so until we We will not make our own things, we will not understand that this thing is this

The seeds are made in our country, it is good for us and there is no harm in it, till that time we will not be able to move forward.

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