I was sitting with him and talking, so I asked him. That sir, among the big issues in your university, are the issues of funds, and many projects that you want to start, there will be many such things but there is one issue that you feel that I can help you with, tell me something like that then he said. that Adil Saheb is one of our many
The big issue that our young generation is facing is that our young generation is indulging in energy drinks. Some people take drugs but everyone is taking energy drinks wholeheartedly.
We are taking it and we get tired of explaining it to them, but these children say that it improves focus, it makes studies better, it makes us tune up a lot, the concentration is very high and we do not understand that. How should we tell them that these energy drinks are very harmful to you?
I was surprised to hear these words of his because I had taken a sip of an energy drink only once in my life and its taste was such that I never dared to go in that direction again in my life, but then I saw a lot of research about it.
After that research, I have become convinced that energy drinks cause a lot of harm not only to your body but also to your brain. Yes, they indeed bring you into focus for some time. Your focus increases, we will also talk about that, but the research that has come now
Research tells you that if you are taking energy drinks, then your youth and your old age are not going to be very good. I am taking you towards this study so that you can know about these dangers and then you can You will be able to say no, yes, we did not know that children generally consider the risk to be very small and reward to be very big, hence children will never be attracted towards these things of mine, especially teenagers whose age is less than 18 to 20 years. Even if they watch this video, they will not come this way, they will not give up energy drinks, but
Those children who are mature after 20 years should listen to these things carefully and the parents whose children are taking energy drinks should listen carefully because I will make many more videos about energy drinks at the top of my mind also.
I will make it but because I need the latest research, I thought that first I should make a video on this. I will take you to a veterinary doctor, in Punjabi we call him Dangar Doctor, whose name is Dr. Even Rejan. Doctor Saheb is a professor of Veterinary Integrative Bioscience. Department of
Texas A&M College, okay, I have given you the reference, they have recently done research and they have published a paper in Food and Chemical Toxicology. In the paper they have published in Food and Chemical Toxicology, they have told that We have manufactured the cells of the heart. We have created the cells of the human heart in the lab. The name of these cells is called Cardio myocytes.
Cardiomyocytes. The doctors of the heart and the rest of the people who study the heart must know very well that Special
There are types of cells that have long branches and the nucleus is present in the middle.
I am also showing you their picture here. So these cells were grown in the lab and when the cardiomyocytes were increased, then Energy drinks were put inside them. Here it is important to know what cardio cells do. Cardio cells are muscular cells and their function is what they do to the heart of a person, they contract, press, and relax. Have a contract and relax that heart
These cells have a big role in the way it beats, so if these cells are like a spring, they are pressing the heart and also leaving it loose, in this way, the heart works as a pump and Keeps pumping the blood forward so that it reaches our body.
If this spring, this cell slowly starts losing its force, then what will happen is that your heart will beat fully. When we placed cardiomyocytes on these cells in the lab, But when we started drinking energy drinks, we came to know that gradually the cardiomyocytes
Started becoming weak and when he started becoming weak then the rhythm of the heart i.e. heartbeat started changing, the parameters of blood pressure started changing, the parameters of the heart started changing but you
Mashallah is wise and Do you understand that when the cells that suppress the heart become weak, then what will happen now? Firstly, the heart will start expanding. The heart will slowly start getting bigger. I am also showing you a picture here, so you can see in what way the heart will grow. Becomes larger if these cells become weak and along with it the efficiency of the heart decreases.
Because it is not beating completely. Firstly, it has grown in size and secondly, it is not beating completely. It is also called a heart disease and in this disease,