Einstein Whites Holes



Einstein was a very famous scientist who 100 years ago gave such scientific predictions to us which proved to be correct with time. I am giving you some of his predictions here. Einstein also told us that our universe is There are also such things that attract things towards themselves.

They pull together which are called black holes. Einstein also said that gravity is not a force. Newton had said that gravity is a force. Einstein said that gravity is the shape of space-time. Einstein also said this in his theory.

 In the solution of his theory and his field equation, we came to know that there are tunnels in our universe, there are wormholes, and there are such tunnels that the journey that we travel in billions of light years, billions of light years can be done very comfortably with the help of these tunnels. These can be determined, these are called wormholes I also told them that

Gravitational waves are also produced in our universe. Let me take you towards the first prediction which says that the universe is expanding. Einstein and after that Edwin Hubble did many such experiments which proved to us that our universe is one.

 It is expanding like a balloon and if we go back to the past, we will come to know that our universe has its origin. Along with this, let me also tell you that Einstein also told that my and your time is not the same, earlier this was understood. It was believed that time is traveled at the same speed everywhere, but Einstein told us that

Told that my time and your time are relative. Two different events in the universe at different places cannot be compared with the same time.

 Einstein also said that the speed of time can be fast as well as slow and along with that We can make time machines to go back in time or to go forward in time.

 Physics and Mathematics do not impose any kind of force on us on this. Time slows down when we come near gravity and if we go away from gravity, then It starts to speed up, for example, when you are on the ground, your time is passing slowly.

It happens that the clock is ticking slowly but if we take this clock into space then this clock will start ticking faster.

 Einstein also told us about wormholes. Wormholes are such a hypothetical structure, that is why I am saying hypothetically. Because we have not been able to detect them till now if we had discovered a wormhole, we could have said with great confidence that wormholes exist, but Einstein's equations tell us that such secret pathways in space-time. exist from one place to another

The place where if we go i.e. between these two points which are present in space-time if we go from here to here, it may take us billions of years, light years, light years, but in between there are such tunnels, there are such passages which A lot of energy is required to open but they can take us there in the blink of an eye and these are called wormholes.

 Einstein also told us that there are big magnifying glasses in our universe. I am giving you a picture here. I am showing the galaxy which is this pink-colored galaxy that is closer to us and ours.

If the distance from the telescope is too much, then the light cannot reach our telescope from this galaxy, but now the universe has created a magnifying glass. I will take you toward another galaxy which is white in color. 

When the light changes from a light-colored galaxy to a white color. When it reaches near a galaxy, the light gets magnified due to gravity.

 This is a magnifying effect and light gets magnified and reaches us easily, hence we can see even the distant galaxies. If you look at this image, If you look from the side you will see pink color on the boundary.

The galaxy appears to be spread out whereas the galaxy which has acted as a mirror, which has acted as a magnifying glass, is visible to you in the middle.

 This is called gravitational lensing. Einstein told us about gravitational lensing and today we know. Gravitational lensing exists. James Telescope has seen gravitational lensing in many places. Einstein also told us that the waves are pressure and electromagnetic, but along with them, gravitational waves also exist. If you throw a stone in a pond, there you get waves

In exactly the same way, if there is any kind of disturbance in space and time, then gravitational waves start forming there. For example, here I am showing you two black holes which are moving around each other and keep moving.

 They will come closer and create a black hole but in this event, you are seeing many gravitational waves being generated. Waves are being generated in space-time. Einstein thought that these gravitational waves have so little strength that we call them Humans will never be able to detect such an instrument.

Will not be able to create something that can detect these gravitational waves but it will take only 100 years and 100 years for humans and technology



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