Genetically Modified Corn. we will face such crops that must have been created by man, man must have at least changed them a lot, these crops, these fruits, these vegetables, we are genetically modified organisms.
I say that this also includes the category of animals. These will be such crops that will be able to tolerate the attack of mold or fungus, will be able to tolerate the lack of water, will be hardy, and will protect themselves from animals and insects. We don't have such a plant today.
Do not allow insects of this variety to enter, so if you look at the cuticle of the mango, you will see that it is diseased, has dried up, or has been eaten by some insect, but if you look at the BT cone, no insect can come close to it. There are a lot of insects in this variety of crops. The first insect is the caterpillar which is formed when the butterfly is forming.
There is a tiny insect that comes from its life cycle and its function is that it causes a lot of damage to the leaves and cobs of the cuticle, but along with that the beetles also eat the roots of this plant, so we have These two insects have to be avoided but there is a third insect which is called European Corn Borer.
Borer means one who digs the cuticle. It is called the Billion Dollar Bug because the crop of corn of corn is very high in America and Europe. If the crop is grown then it is a billion-dollar crop and if it is spoiled then it is a crop of this insect.
Due to this reason, it gets spoiled, hence its value is also a billion dollars. Here in Punjabi, it is called Pavak, in Urdu, it is called Parvana and in English, it is called Moth.
I am showing you its life cycle, so here you can see that when the moth is being formed, at that time it is in the form of an insect in its developmental stages and this insect causes a lot of damage to the cuticle of the corn and to kill it, we have to use a lot of pesticides which are Not only do they make the crop poisonous but also the environment around the crop gets poisoned.
If the ecosystem is destroyed by all the small insects, then the life biomass gradually ends. This is a very dangerous situation.
The ecosystem will be destroyed. In 1996, for the first time, a genetically modified European cone was introduced what was its function? Its job was to protect itself from this insect and for that it took help from a bacteria through that bacteria such proteins were made in this cuticle called crystal proteins which are poisonous for certain types of insects. Proves to be not poisonous for humans
It is proved that it is not poisonous even for animals but it proves to be poisonous for the insects which we had to target. This whole process is called transgenesis, so through transgenesis,
we created a GMO that insects can no longer eat. If you can, then you have seen first that if the insect tries to eat it, then it will not be able to reach it or it will die. Here I am telling you the first step of transgenesis and in this, first of all, you have to see how you have done it. If we want to protect ourselves from insects, we have to protect ourselves from caterpillars and
To save it, we have to make it poisonous. Now how to make it poisonous, we take advantage of history because in history, 100 years ago, we know that some insects started dying slowly on the ground The most important worm was the silkworm, it is called silkworm, now why the silkworm started dying, people were very surprised. The research was done and then it was found that the silkworm is sick due to bacteria and that bacteria comes from the ground. So there is a bacteria present in the ground which slowly kills the silkworm.
When scientists tested this bacteria on the European ear budder, it killed it too, so we came to know that this bacteria gives such a poison that the silkworm becomes silkworm or the ear budder gets killed easily. Can die, we looked at the cell of this bacteria, the DNA inside the nucleus of the cell, and picked up the DNA sequence which helped in making this poisonous protein, the crystal protein, and after that, we added that DNA to that The sequence had to be entered in this husk in this corn but one corn
There are millions of cells in those cells. How can we go into each cell and do this sequencing or apply this test? This was a very difficult situation.
Now the real issue is that this gene is taken from the bacteria, the name of this bacteria. The technical word is very difficult, that is why it is called BT bacteria, so we will call this gene BT gene, this gene is taken from bacteria, now we have to insert it into the cuticle, it has to be inserted into the plant, now there are millions of cells in a plant. Now how will we be able to go to every cell and enter it, I will tell you here.
If I am showing a microscopic picture, you can see that you can see some cells here, but how many? There are cells, so how can we change millions of cells, for that the procedure we need, as I told you earlier, is a transgene procedure, and through that procedure, we use the stem cells of plants, exactly the same way. Humans and animals have stem cells. Stem cells are cells that convert into various organs with time. They become heart cells. They become skin cells. They become kidney cells.
In exactly the same way, plants also have stem cells which are called callus and callus later takes the shape of various things of the plant, so we added its tissues in the trans genus callus. I am also showing you the callus here. How are these visible to us when we add transgenes to the callus for that a special type of gun is used and that gun I am showing you here, it has a bore in front of it. And inside that there is that small part, a small piece of gene which we have to inject.
At the front and back of the cell, we give a helium pulse, so understand that we gave air with great force, and at the front, a small piece of it went inside the cell through the bore and it did not damage the cell and then it went inside the cell. If we go, then this gun is used in exactly the same way and this gun is called a gene gun, so once we have made a callus, then it is treated with hormones and after that, it is grown, it is exactly like plants. They are like seeds, so we grow them and when they grow slowly, which you can see in this picture, then we have
Now such a plant of corn will come whose fruit will not be eaten by insects but instead, the insects will start running away from it and for this, we do not even need poisonous medicines or pesticides, so as soon as this invention was made, it became GMO, after that you can see in what way. In America, because it was used in America also, it was also used in Europe, so how did the pesticide industry come down in America, so now we did not use pesticides because this thing was inside that plant that it was not affected by insects. Due to this the atmosphere also started improving and
The use of poisonous drugs has also started to reduce, but in today's world, apart from BT corn, many such plants, vegetables, crops, and crops have this specialty, among them there is cotton, among them, there is sugar beet, among there is cuticle. So there is soybean, there is papaya and we have cucumber and various types of plants which automatically drive away insects and drive them away. At present, there are six big giants in agriculture and the same big giants are the same big multinational companies that produce these types of seeds. These companies are producing
If I tell you the names, then we have BSF, we have Dew Punt, we have Dow, Bayer, Syngenta, and Monsanto, these are the big companies that are not only doing research on this but are also making their seeds for us
We are always afraid of such seeds and GMOs. We are not afraid, but the world is afraid of them. There is a very easy way to do this and that way is that we can minimize our dependence on these six multinational companies. Reduce it and take your country's products forward. Yes, it is absolutely right in the beginning.
Will not compete with them, maybe the quality is also a little less but I see many such products which have a difference of 1920, we should take such products forward, I am also showing you pictures of some of them here, we should take such products forward. We should increase it and we should try to make our Jari University such seeds that have resistance to this variety because it will be made in Pakistan, our farmers will have confidence, our common people will also have confidence and it will be genetically modified. Will also take crops, vegetables, fruits and
We will also eat Future, our population is very high, we will not be able to live without GMOs, we have such a large population that we will not be able to feed our population without these engineered fruits and flowers, hence it is important that this big issue which is the mindset Let us handle the issue today itself and have lunch in the beach prepared by us.