Coming Out of Blackhole



We talked about black holes and Einstein's theory of relativity fails in black holes. Einstein's theory of relativity also gives us a lot of information about black holes.

 It tells us that as we go closer to the black hole, time will gradually slow down, and our clock will start ticking slowly, along with this, this thread will also tell us about the gravitational effects, it will tell us how gravity will affect us as we approach the black hole. will behave and absolutely


In the same way, it behaves, this theory also gives us some information about the inside of the black hole, but there comes a time in space-time when this theory becomes silent, it stops telling us.

 I had said that when you go into the black hole, people expressed their displeasure that why are you sending us into the black hole, so I say this, imagine that I go inside the black hole. I noted two things, the first thing was that the black hole would gradually get longer and the second thing was that the black hole would


The diameter of the hole will keep decreasing, that is, the funnel will keep getting thinner. I would feel that I am getting crushed. These were two things, but Einstein's Theory of Relativity does not give us any information other than this.

 Einstein's Theory of Relativity does not tell us that our What will be the outcome that the theory is not telling us whether we will be able to survive inside the black hole or not? Now a problem has arisen for us because when this theory stops predicting, then it is just like that that we are in a black hole. We are going on an unknown path and our guide gets lost. If our guide gets lost


If this happens, then what information will we get about that path? So, where the curvature of space-time is very high, Einstein's Theory of Relativity ends its prediction and stops

 Having space-time curvature means that space-time is like a sheet and if we placed the earth on it, its thickness would be small. Einstein's Theory of Relativity will tell us about big things. Now we placed a star, its thickness would be very big. Its curvature would be even bigger. Einstein's Theory of Relativity is here. will also work on and tell us how big this problem is


How will time affect it? What will be the role of gravity? It will tell us about everything, but when we place a black hole on this sheet of space-time, its size will be so big that Einstein's Theory of Relativity will be able to go there and do it.

 If space stops telling us about time then we will not know what is happening now. Now a new theory is needed and I am showing you the basis of this theory here which is Doctor Carlo Rovelli Doctor Carlo Rovelli Previous We had also seen in the videos that there are Italian physicists and


He has analyzed black holes at the quantum level. He has the authority to be the creator of Quantum Loop Theory. Along with that, there are other scientists too, but among the main people who are believed to be the creators of this theory, the name of Dr. And in this theory he has made many predictions through mathematics.

 Let me tell you that when Einstein gave his theory of relativity, there were mathematical predictions at that time too, and after that Einstein also did some such experiments in his life and today. Till now we have been doing experiments through which


We are coming to know that this theory is telling us exactly the things that we see in nature, in exactly the same way as the Quantum Loop Theory. At present, no experiments have been done on it, but its mathematics, like Einstein's theory, are very interesting to us.

 things are telling us and now I am going to tell you the story of the mathematics things that he is telling us, what things he is telling us, so this theory tells us what happens inside the black hole, this theory tells us What will happen if I go inside a black hole? For that, we need to know two things.


The first important thing is that this theory says that things are granular and not continuous. If you look at light, we have always been taught that light is a waveform, but now we go and see that light is also packets of energy which are called photons.

 It is said that one nature of light is the particle and one nature is the wave. From wave nature, we get less precision in calculations. Doctor Sahib says this and from particle nature, we get more precision calculations. So here we are seeing dual nature. In the same way, a wave of light is also connected to the electron and


The electron itself is a particle, so here also we are seeing dual nature. In exactly the same way, the atoms are in granular form. The gaps in the energy gap between one orbit and another orbit are also discrete, granular, and continuous.

 All these things tell us that space-time will also be grainier, so if we break space-time into small pieces in the way I am showing you in the picture here, then it will be grainier. Till now we thought that space-time is continuous like a sheet.


Yes, but Doctor Saheb says that no, if we want to understand quantum loop theory, then first of all we have to see that space tieIt is grainier. If we go to a very small level, then space is made up of small space-time units made up of small points and we cannot go towards things smaller than them. 

So if space-time is grainier, then it means that When she is shrinking on me and I have gone into the black hole, then the shrink will not be infinite shrinking, that is, she will not keep shrinking forever, but there will come a level after which she will not be able to shrink.


There will come a point where this grainer space-time will no longer be able to do Majid Shringa, there comes the second part of this theory, I am also showing you pictures here, so you will see that Juju I am going up in time, so the curvature is It is shrinking slowly and gradually, the funnel is getting thinner and a time will come when the funnel has become too thin, now it cannot shrink more than that, so we generally think that at that time everything is over, now here is another one. The second aspect comes from quantum mechanics and it is called quantum jump. So we see this.


When an electron is moving in an orbit and energy is given to it, it jumps from one orbit to a higher energy level to another orbit.

 We see the same thing in energy bands. We see the same thing in quantum tunneling. Where an electron or a particle can go through a tunnel i.e. through a barrier to the other side, then this thing becomes very important at the quantum level, although we cannot even imagine that I can pass through this wall and go to the other side. I can say that two things are very important, so when the space is shrinking above me, I am in space and it is shrinking.


There will come a time when space will not be able to shrink more than that and here now we need a classical solution of the quantum loop and it tells that in the classical solution, I am using the words of Doctor Sahib, so I want that there should be no mistake. Here a quantum jump will occur.

 A quantum jump will occur. If you look at it in classical words, when you throw a ball on the ground, what happens is that it hits the ground and then rebounds and comes back. So if you measure its velocity. If you see, the velocity is first downwards and then its velocity reverses.


It goes but the acceleration will always be downwards, it is accelerating, now that acceleration is still downwards, so the velocity reverses, its direction reverses and it jumps back, the same thing will happen in a black hole, so when the black hole If it squeezes on us, there will come a time when the velocity will reverse and the reverse of velocity means that the black hole will make us bounce back. How can the black hole make us bounce back? What was the black hole doing earlier in that process? It was getting thinner. It was getting longer, but now the reverse will happen, the black hole will start getting bigger.


And along with it, it will start getting smaller, so the tail at the bottom, which is the tunnel, will start getting smaller like this and a time will come when we will come out of it, so it is exactly like we have taken a jump.

 We took it, and we went upwards, but if you look in space-time, the black hole, its tail below, became very small and whatever things were in the black hole, it was thrown out outwards. The black hole is no longer a black hole, but A white hole that has formed, it has opened up, and it is expelling everything outward, so the classical solution of


Quantum jump, I am telling you that if we look at it in classical mechanics, then they are white holes and white holes are predicted in the Theory of Relativity. Einstein had told us that white holes exist which exist outside everything.

 Black holes are pushed towards themselves, and white holes are pushed away from themselves but we were not able to get connectivity between them, this connectivity is currently given by quantum loop theory and they told us that when you go inside the black hole So the black hole will slowly start shrinking and start getting longer.


And a time will come when the black hole can no longer shrink due to the grainier space, then there will be a quantum jump, instead of getting longer, the black hole will start getting smaller and will start expanding, then now you will come out of it, you will become black.

 We will go into the hole and then we will come out of the black hole. Quantum Loop Theory tells us that this means that it is very easy, I can go through the black hole and come back at any time. You must have thought that we have always been told this.



 That is, once you go into a black hole, you cannot come back alive. Nothing comes out of the black hole.

If it doesn't come out, then we can also come out of the black hole. Light can also come out and if we go inside the black hole, we can also come back. The story is not complete yet.

 How long does this process take to form a black hole? Convert into a white hole and along with that, let me also tell you that when you go inside a black hole and when it shrinks, what will happen to you at that time, these are two questions for which I have not given you the answers yet, but I have given you such an idealistic Phenomena is placed in front of you in which space-time is crushing on you but nothing is happening to you in reality.


This will not happen, you will die in the very first storm, but you need to know this thing that after a very long time, a black hole turns into a white hole and it starts becoming a white hole. Now the last question is yours. This will happen if


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