Another Einstein Prediction
Einstein was a very famous scientist who 100 years ago gave such scientific predictions to us which are proving to be correct over time. I am giving you some of his predictions here. Einstein also told us that our universe is There are also such things that attract things towards themselves.
They pull together which are called black holes. Einstein also said that gravity is not a force. Newton had said that gravity is a force. Einstein said that gravity is the shape of space-time. Einstein also said this in his theory. In the solution of his theory and his field equation, we came to know that there are tunnels in our universe, there are wormholes, and there are such tunnels that the journey that we travel in billions of light years, billions of light years can be done very comfortably with the help of these tunnels. These can be determined, these are called wormholes and I also told them that
Gravitational waves are also produced in our universe. Let me take you towards the first prediction which says that the universe is expanding. Einstein and after that Edwin Hubble did many such experiments which proved to us that our universe is one. It is expanding like a balloon and if we go back to the past, we will come to know that our universe has its origin. Along with this, let me also tell you that Einstein also told me that my and your time is not the same, earlier this was understood. It was believed that time is traveled at the same speed everywhere, but Einstein told us that
Told that my time and your time are relative. Two different events in the universe at different places cannot be compared with the same time. Einstein also said that the speed of time can be fast as well as slow and along with that We can make time machines to go back in time or to go forward in time. Physics and Mathematics do not impose any kind of force on us on this. Time slows down when we come near gravity and if we go away from gravity, then It starts to speed up, for example, when you are on the ground, your time is passing slowly.
It happens that the clock is ticking slowly, but if we take this clock into space, then this clock will start ticking faster. Einstein also told us about wormholes. Wormholes are such a hypothetical structure. That is why I say hypothetically. Because we have not been able to detect them till now if we had discovered a wormhole, we could have said with great confidence that wormholes exist, but Einstein's equations tell us that such intelligence does not exist in space-time. There are routes from one place to another
The place where if we go i.e. between these two points which are present in space-time if we go from here to here, it may take us billions of years, light years, light years, but in between there are such tunnels, there are such passages which A lot of energy is required to open, but they can take us there in the blink of an eye and these are called wormholes. Einstein also told us that there are big magnifying glasses in our universe. I will give you a picture here. I am showing the galaxy which is this pink-colored galaxy that is closer to us and ours.
If the distance from the telescope is too much, then the light cannot reach our telescope from this galaxy, but now the universe has created a magnifying glass. I will take you towards another galaxy which is white in color. When the light changes from a light-colored galaxy to a white color. When it reaches near a galaxy, the light gets magnified due to gravity. This is a magnifying effect and light gets magnified and reaches us easily, hence we can see even the distant galaxies. If you look at this image, If you look from the side you will see pink color on the boundary.
The galaxy appears to be spread out whereas the galaxy which has acted as a mirror, which has acted as a magnifying glass, is visible to you in the middle. This is called gravitational lensing. Einstein told us about gravitational lensing and today we know. Gravitational lensing exists. James Telescope has seen gravitational lensing in many places. Einstein also told us that the waves are pressure and electromagnetic, but along with them, gravitational waves also exist. If you throw a stone in a pond, there you get waves
In exactly the same way, if there is any kind of disturbance in space and time, then gravitational waves start forming there. For example, here I am showing you two black holes which are moving around each other and keep moving. They will come closer and create a black hole but in this event, you are seeing many gravitational waves being generated. Waves are being generated in space. At this time, Einstein thought that these gravitational waves have so little strength that we Humans would never be able to detect such an instrument.
Will not be able to create a device that can detect these gravitational waves but it took only 100 years for humans to do so. And in making technology and now we have made LIGO Observatory but we have made many such observatories which detected such waves in 2014-15. At present there is an application on my mobile also on which these waves are being recorded. And whenever a new gravitational wave hits the ground, I also come to know, but now let's come to Einstein's most interesting proposal which came from his equation and that proposal Goei says this
It is true that along with black holes, white holes also exist in our universe. White holes are hyperbolic regions. There is a place in the space-time where nothing can enter. If even light goes towards them, it will It will be reflected back, that is why they appear white. Black holes are visible because they also absorb light, but nothing can go inside the white hole. Whatever goes near the white hole, comes back. That's why they always appear white, but to date, we have not seen white holes anywhere in the universe.
We see a lot of black holes, but why can't we see white holes? Let me take you to a scientist whose name is Carlo Rovelli, an Italian physicist, and philosopher, and along with him, Majd is the founder of Loop Quantum Gravity. We will see this theory in our next videos because this theory is going to explain many things. Imagine that we are looking at a black hole and recently we have seen two big black holes. I am showing you here one of those black holes. I'm showing a picture of the massive one in the middle of our Milky Way
There is a black hole which is called Sagittarius A. Billions of black holes like Sagittarius A are present in our universe, so our universe is full of black holes, this is research that says that we again move towards this hole, to detect which we have to take its picture. For this, we had to make our entire land a telescope. We could not make the land a telescope, but we installed eight telescopes at different places on the land captured more light through them, and then made a picture of this black hole. We call the constellation the constellation of these eight telescopes.
Horizon Telescope says that we are looking at black holes from the ground with the help of a telescope, but imagine that through a rocket or through a spacecraft we go near the black hole, Juju, we will go near the black hole slowly. It will become finer, its boundaries will become sharper, the focus will increase and now we will no longer see that ugly and blurry black hole, rather we will start seeing that clean black hole. By going closer to the black hole, we will also see some other things. We will see its boundary and the reason for that is that the black hole
The gravity of light is such that the light bends around it, so the rays that are very close to it go inside it and cannot come back, but the ones that are at a little distance start bending around it, hence The surrounding surroundings of the black hole usually appear bright to us and apart from this, if the black hole has recently hunted or eaten a star, then its female is also rotating around the black hole, then generally the surrounding of the black hole appears bright. There are boundaries, and they are very bright and because of this, we keep detecting black holes.
The mouth of the black hole is very small. I am also showing you in the picture here and now we have reached above the black hole. I am right above the black hole at this time and we will sacrifice him so he comes first because he is sitting on a big stone and I want this stone because I have opened the window and I am sitting in the spaceship. I am here and I am opening the window. The window is an old-fashioned type of rolling one.
The mechanical window and the window opened and I threw this stone out of the spaceship towards the black hole, the black hole goes down, this stone will go towards the black hole, so initially it went down very fast, but Gradually, as it moved towards the black hole, you will see its speed slowing down and after reaching one place, it will become solid. There is a lot of temperature around the black hole and there is a lot of friction too, due to which this stone will light up and start burning. Its temperature will increase and light will start coming out, but the reason is that
If you go near a black hole, you will see some changes, one is the light coming out of it, whether it is because of its burning, it is because of the burning effect, it is because of the light up, you will see it slowly turning red. This will be seen happening and along with it, the vibrations of all the atoms inside it will also gradually slow down because there is so much gravity. I am not saying these things on my own behalf, but Dr. has told us this in his articles and in his talks. I told you the reason why the light slowly turned red.
That the wavelength of light is increasing and you also know that as we move closer to the black hole, time is slowing down, so is this stone really standing above the boundary of the black hole? Or it has entered inside the black hole and we can see that it is above the boundary of the black hole and the reason for that is that the black hole has a lot of gravity, the wavelength increases and at the same time let me also tell you that That when we go closer to the black hole, time will also become slow, time will slow down, now we move towards the black hole.
Let's go inside the black hole and see what is happening inside the black hole. Let me tell you that it is written in our textbooks, usually, it is also told that when you go inside the black hole, you will never come out. You will not be able to come out, rather you will face a singularity and if a human being or anything that goes inside a black hole is destroyed, then under no circumstances will it be able to come out of the black hole, even if it does not come to an end, make sure it does not come to an end. Even if it does, it can come out of the black hole because the gravity of the black hole is very high, but there is a limit to it.
Aks is telling us something, you are seeing in this picture that we are going towards the black hole, when you are going towards the black hole, then gradually you will slow down and a time will come when people are watching you from a distance. They may feel that you have settled on the boundary above the black hole, but they are seeing this because the speed of time is very slow here. You have already entered the black hole. When you enter inside the black hole, And if you look back, you will see exactly the same stars in the sky as the black holes.
Were visible outside, there would not be much difference, but you may find the position of the stars different because as soon as you go inside the black hole and come near it, the light bends a lot, hence you can see their location at different places, but this Apart from this, you will not feel much difference. Yes, you will feel one more thing and that is that you will feel that the black hole is much bigger, it has a much higher volume, just like we see in the story of Alice in Wonderland in which Alice is the rabbit. It goes into a hole and inside there is a very big palace and outside there is a small one.
There is a door, and there is a huge palace inside, just like this, the mouth of the black hole will seem small to you, but when you go inside, you will find that the volume of the black hole will be so much, it will have a huge volume, its example can also be given from a well, which The mouth is very small but inside it is very big. You have entered inside the black hole and when you enter inside the black hole, along with it you will see that the black hole has some parts, one part is a funnel. If I am showing you a black hole here, the boundary of the black hole is called the event horizon.
You can go back from the horizon but you will not be able to go back further because the gravity is very high and below it, there is a funnel and at the end of the funnel there is a singularity. Einstein's General Theory of Relativity tells us these things but today we are black. Let's look at the hole from another perspective. I am showing you a picture of a black hole here. So when you entered inside the black hole and started looking at the geometry of the black hole, you would feel that the black hole was gradually larger in volume but Its tail was increasing, and the tunnel was slowly increasing
This is the thing that is increasing. You can see the funnel shown in the picture here, its tail, and how long its funnel is, how long it is, the funnel of a black hole can be millions of light years. You can see millions of light years. You can travel in it, if nothing happens to you and you survive, then you can travel for so long and then you can hit the end of the black hole, then the end of the black hole is not infinite, it is its funnel, it is finite. And you can hit its end. Second surprise: One surprise you will get is that the funnel is gradually getting bigger.
The second surprise you will get is that you are slowly getting trapped in the black hole. The black hole's funnel is shrinking. Okay, it is getting longer and thinner, now it is shrinking. Now you have come into a problem because of so much. The funnel will shrink so much that it will crush any human being, hence we will have ended in the black hole before reaching the end, but what is present at the end of the black hole? Einstein's theory tells that there is a singularity but If we look at the history of black holes, black holes are formed from the death of big stars.
Here I am taking you towards a cycle and in this cycle you can see that the smaller star does not form black holes but instead, white holes are formed when they end and have passed their life but the bigger star. From that star, neutron stars can be formed or black holes can be formed. If that star is 20 times bigger than our sun then when it explodes through a supernova i.e. it will die then we will get a black hole from it and There will be a funnel in that black hole and at the end of that funnel, the star that was saved was the one that exploded.
The rest of the star which had happened supernova or you can say its rest will be present there, the dead star will be present there which has created the black hole, so one thing you have to remember is that you will find a dead star there. Now in this picture. You will see that the time we are below is not the same, as earlier we were below, the black hole is small, you give it. Well, its funnel is small, so we entered inside it, as we entered inside, a little time passed, passing like this, the black hole started getting bigger with time and we slowly went inside it. and then
A little time passed and the funnel started expanding, so now what the black hole is doing is that it is getting thinner, earlier it was thick, its funnel was thick, now it is getting thinner and at the same time it is getting longer, so we It is being crushed inside it. Whatever goes inside it will not reach the end, it must have been crushed before that, but now let's go towards Einstein. Einstein had told us that when you go inside the black hole, it will be exactly there. But the gravity would be very high. We had an idea about the behavior of its gravity. Along with that, he also said that
Many things were told to us that time will become very slow outside the black hole, but Einstein's theory says that if you have gone inside the black hole, then you cannot come out in any way, rather you will go inside. After leaving, Einstein's theory ceases to exist, it ceases to predict, and it does not tell us what will happen to human beings after that. We understand that he will not survive, but now we need a new theory. The theory that tells us what will happen to anything when we enter a black hole, or will it ever happen?
Can someone come out of a black hole? How long can we stay inside a black hole? After how much time can we get crushed? So here a new theory was needed and the same theory which I had talked about in the previous video is quantum theory. We have derived this, it is called Loop Theory because by going here we will have to analyze the black hole at a small level at the atomic level. We will have to see the black hole to see what work it is doing at the atomic level and when we go into quantum loop theory. If so, then we know that humans can come back from a black hole. Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
It also gives us a lot of information about the black hole. It tells us that as we move closer to the black hole, time will gradually slow down and our clock will start ticking slowly. Along with this, these three will also tell us about the gravitational effects. It will tell us how gravity will behave when we go near a black hole and it behaves exactly the same way. This theory also gives us some information about the inside of the black hole, but there comes a time in this time when this theory She becomes silent, she stops telling us, I tell you
I had said that when you go to the black hole, people expressed their displeasure that why are you sending us to the black hole, so I say this, pretend that I am going to the black hole. When I went inside, I noted two things. The first thing was that the black hole would gradually become longer and the second thing was that the diameter of the black hole would reduce, that is, the funnel would become thinner. I would feel that I was getting crushed. Yes, these were two things but Einstein's Theory of Relativity does not give us any information other than this.
Einstein's Theory of Relativity does not tell us what will be our fate. It does not tell us whether we will be able to survive inside a black hole or not. Now a problem has arisen for us because when this theory stops working. If it does, then it is exactly like we are going on an unknown path and our guide gets lost. If our guide gets lost then what information will we get about that path, where the curvature of space-time is very high. There Einstein's Theory of Relativity ends its predictions and stops.
Space-time curvature means that space-time is like a sheet and if we placed the Earth on it, its diameter would be small. Einstein's Theory of Relativity will tell us about big things. Now we placed a star, its diameter would be very large. Its curvature will be bigger. Einstein's Theory of Relativity will work here also and will tell us how big this hole will be, how time will affect it, and what will be the role of gravity, it will tell us about everything, but when we look at this sheet If we place a black hole in space-time, it will be so big that Einstein's
If the Theory of Relativity stops telling us about space and time then we will not know what is happening now, now a new theory is needed and because of this theory, I am showing you here which is Doctor. Carlo Rovelli Doctor Carlo Rovelli We also saw in the previous videos that he is an Italian physicist and he has analyzed black holes at the quantum level. He has the honor of being the inventor of Quantum Loop Theory. Along with him, there are other science people too but the main people are Among those who are believed to be the Bani of this the Doctor
The name comes and in this theory, he has made many predictions through mathematics. Let me tell you that when Einstein gave his theory of relativity, there were mathematical predictions at that time too, and after that, he did some such experiments in his life too To date we have been doing experiments through which we are coming to know that this theory is telling us exactly the things which we see in nature. Quantum Loop Theory in this way: At present no experiments have been done on it, but its mathematics, like Einstein's theory, gives us much information.
Telling things and now I am going to tell you the story of the mathematics things that it is telling us, what things it is telling us, so this theory tells us what happens inside the black hole, this theory tells us What will happen if I go inside a black hole? For that, we need to know two things. The first thing is that this theory says that things are grainy and not continuous. If you look at light, we have always been taught that light is a wave. But now let us go and see whether the lights are also packed with energy.
These are called photons, so one nature of light is a particle and one nature is a wave. From wave nature, we get less precision in calculations. The doctor says this and from particle nature, we get more precision in calculations. So here we get dual nature. It is seen that in the same way, a wave of light is connected to the electron and the electron itself is a particle, so here also we are seeing dual nature. In the same way, atoms are in grain form, energy gaps are there from one orbit to another. The energy gaps that exist between them are also discrete.
They are grainy, they are not continuous, all these things tell us that space-time will also be grainy, so if we break space-time into small parts, break it into small pieces in the way I show you in the picture here. Till now we used to understand that this time is continuous like a sheet but Doctor Saheb says that no, if we want to understand quantum loop theory then first of all we have to see that space-time is grainer. If we go to a very small level then space becomes smaller space-time
It is made up of units of small points and we cannot go towards things smaller than them, so if space-time is grayer then it means that when it is shrinking above me I have gone into a black hole. The shrink will not be infinite shrinking, that is, it will not keep shrinking forever, but there will come a level after which it will not be able to shrink, a point will come where this grainer space-time will no longer be able to shrink as much, there comes the second part. I am also showing you pictures of Theri here, so you can see that Juju is going up in time.
So the curvature is slowly shrinking, the funnel is getting thinner and a time will come when the funnel has become too thin, now it cannot shrink more than that, so we generally think that at that time everything is over. Now here comes the second aspect, the second phenomenon comes from quantum mechanics, and it is called quantum jump. So we see that when an electron is moving in an orbit and energy is given to it, then it jumps from one orbit higher. We see the same thing in the energy bands towards the second orbit towards the energy level.
We can see the same thing in quantum tunneling where an electron or a particle can go through a tunnel i.e. from a barrier to the other side, then this thing becomes very important at the quantum level, although we cannot even imagine that. I can pass through this wall and go to the other side. Two things are very important. So when the space is shrinking above me, I am in the space and it is shrinking, then a time will come when the space will not be able to shrink more than that. And here now we need the classical solution of the quantum loop Th and that tells us that in the classical solution I
I am using Doctor Saheb's words so I don't want there to be any mistake that there is a quantum jump. Quantum jump will come. If you look in classical words, when you throw a ball on the ground, what happens is that it comes to the ground. It starts and then rebounds and comes back, so if you look at its velocity, first the velocity is downwards and then its velocity reverses but the acceleration will always be downwards, it is accelerating now that acceleration is still If it is downwards, its velocity is reversed and its direction is reversed.
And it jumps back, the same thing will happen in the black hole, then when the black hole shrinks on us, there will come a time when the velocity will reverse and the velocity being reversed means that the black hole will make us bounce back. How does the black hole bounce? Can reverse that process, what the black hole was doing earlier was getting thinner and longer, now the reverse will happen, and the black hole will start getting bigger and along with it it will start getting smaller, so the one below is its tail. The tons that are there will start getting smaller like this and a time will come when we
If we go out of it, then it is exactly like we took a jump, we went upwards but if you look in space-time, the black hole which was at the bottom of its tail became very small and whatever things were in the black hole, it went away. The black hole is no longer a black hole but has become a white hole, it has opened up, it is expelling everything outwards, so the classical solution of quantum jump, I am telling you, if we call it classical mechanics. If we look at them, they are white holes and white holes have been predicted in the Theory of Relativity. Einstein told us
It was said that white holes exist that everything is pushed outwards away from itself, black holes are pushed towards themselves, and white holes are pushed away from themselves but we were not getting connectivity between them, this connectivity is currently given by quantum loop theory and they told that when you If we go inside the black hole, the black hole will slowly start shrinking and will start getting longer and a time will come when the black hole can no longer shrink due to the grainier space, then there will be a quantum jump, instead of getting longer the black hole will become smaller. will begin to happen and begin to spread
Now you will come out of it, you will go into the black hole and then you will come out of the black hole, quantum loop theory explains, so it means that it is very easy, I can go through the black hole and come back at any time. This thought is in your mind. It must have come that we have always been told that once you go into a black hole, you cannot come back alive. Nothing comes out of a black hole, so we can come out of a black hole, light can also come out. And if we go inside the black hole, we can
How long does it take for the process to convert a black hole into a white hole along with that, let me also tell you what will happen to you when you go inside the black hole and when it shrinks, these are two questions which I have answered. I have not given it to you yet, rather I have presented such an idealistic phenomenon in front of you in which space-time is crushing on you but nothing is happening to you. In reality, this will not happen. You will be destroyed in the first place, but you need to know this thing. That a black hole turns into a white hole after a very long time and
It starts to become a white hole but when its funnel starts to grow larger inside its tail black hole, it also starts to shrink and space-time starts to curve. This means that we are gradually compressing. They will keep happening but guess if we survive for some reason and we do not die, then there will come a time when that thin curve will have become so thin that space-time cannot be more curved than that, and at this time a new theory. Comes because Einstein's theory does not tell us what will happen next but now a new theory has come.
This is called quantum loop theory and in this theory, we are told that at that time a jump will come, a transition will come and what that transition will be is that when a black hole shrinks and shrinks completely, then at that time that black hole will become its funnel. Slowly and gradually, the thing which had become big will start getting smaller and the thing which is inside it will come out of the black hole, that is, now it has become a white hole, it will take a lot of time but we have seen this thing in the previous video. and in Einstein's Theory of Relativity and especially in General
We also saw white holes in the solution of the equation of the Theory of Relativity, where we saw black holes and we had seen that black holes exist in our world, now we have seen two black holes. White holes also exist there but to date, we have not seen white holes. I am going to show you in these last two videos but I am going to tell you that white holes exist in our world and perhaps we know about them but first of all Let us go towards a great scientist whose name is Dr. Stephen.
Hawking's Dr. Stephen Hawking was the first scientist who told us that black hole vapors are shrinking and a time will come when the black hole will become a big black hole or a very small black hole by shrinking, but if something is shrinking then it is giving energy. It is outside that it is losing energy. After all, how are black holes losing energy? For this, we will have to study a concept and I will tell you very easily, when we talk about quantum fluxional space, there is a vacuum in it and vacuum means there is nothing there but
Today's little science, which we call quantum physics, is called quantum mechanics and it tells us that it is not so, but in the vacuum where we understand that there is nothing, there are small fluctuations, there are field fluctuations, which are called quantum fluctuations. Now your question will be where does this quantum fluxional action come from? I can tell you here in the picture that quantum fluxional action is caused by two virtual particles that arise suddenly. Yes, absolutely not from anything, right now we are talking about this. Don't know but they are born suddenly
There are particles, one has positive energy, one has negative energy, one is matter, one is anti-matter and suddenly those two are born and they travel some and after some time they meet, so now this is matter and this is anti. If there is matter, then what will they do, they will merge together, this process is called analyte, which means that they will release a very small amount of energy, you understand that there will be an explosion and these particles will release energy, so now everywhere in the entire space. But even here and outside, at this very place, two very small particles are being formed, they are a little far apart.
We go and analyze them, then they are being made, then they are being made, then they are being made and then they are being made and then they are being made and then they are being made and then they are being made and then they are being made and then they are being made and then they are being made and annealed.
We call this whole process virtual particles and we call the end of this whole process You have to remember that the matter and anti-matter particles found in the virtual particle annals and annals release energy. Now this work is happening everywhere, it is also happening in space and the same work is also happening on the edges of the black hole. Now imagine that what we call the edges of the black hole, which we call the event horizon, is outside the event horizon.
Two particles were born, one anti-matter, and one matter, and they remained outside for some time and remained outside the black hole. If they remained away from the event horizon and went and alighted, then the black hole would not make any difference, but if two particles were born outside, the event. On the other side of the horizon, one of the particles gets trapped in the black hole. Even if it comes beyond the horizon, it will not be able to go back because the gravity of the black hole is so high that it does not even allow light to go back. The second particle will not remain outside. Here science tells us that when
When the black hole takes these particles, it radiates energy. The reason for this is very scientific, but it radiates energy and mass, that is, it loses all the particles of the black hole. Virtual particles will go inside, and the black hole will slowly radiate energy, lose mass, and become smaller, this is called Stephen Hawking Radiation and from these radiations, we come to know that after billions of years, a very long time, the black hole will shrink and very small
Let me also tell you that this entire process requires billions of years, it will not happen immediately, but to reach this process, pretend that I have gone inside a black hole. Now if it is a very big black hole, then I will go black in a few minutes. Now the hole will shrink and shrink and shrink so much that there will be a quantum jump. If there is a transition, then this whole process will take a few minutes and the quantum jump has happened. After the quantum jump, in the same number of minutes, in a few minutes, I will come back from the black hole, and then I will get this It would feel like I went inside a black hole for a few minutes, and if nothing happens to me
This is not possible but suppose we understand that if nothing happens then I come back within a few minutes, so it means that within a few minutes, I went into the black holes and so it means that very little Time passes inside, but in comparison, billions of years pass outside. Theory of Relativity tells us this and especially General Theory of Relativity tells us that in comparison, if an observer is seeing the same thing from outside, then it will take billions of years for it to complete. To see the process that became possible inside the black hole in just a few minutes, now
This is a very important point because inside there are a few minutes and outside there are billions of years, so don't you feel that we are making a time machine, there are various time machines in the universe, so imagine that I will take you towards a time machine, that time machine. The door in the front is a time machine inside. The door in the front is a black hole, so you go inside the black hole. Okay, and the time that is going on outside is You went inside for a few minutes, and then a transition happened and you came out for a few minutes, and when you came out, now this door
What is this black hole? Now it has become a white hole because it has taken you out, so white holes make you and take you out. So, this white hole has become and now what is the time? X plus billions of years means billions of years ahead of us. So if I go into a black hole near my solar system and come out after a few minutes, I will see the solar system as it will be billions of years in the future. I have time traveled billions of years to that place. The same thing you have to remember is that we are traveling in time, we are traveling in space.
No, don't get confused by the picture I am showing you here perhaps you will think that we are going through a blue-black hole which is shown in blue color and we are traveling in space, this is not space. This is time, so we entered a place where there was a black hole and after billions of years, we came out from there and we traveled in time. This means that time machines are present in our universe and those time machines. We can find it if we detect black holes and white holes, we have already detected black holes.
We have already seen them, we have seen two but can we detect white holes? Yes, we can detect white holes and there are two ways in which scientists are working a lot. One way is The direct method is that we see the white hole directly or sense that it is a white hole and we detect it but the other method is the indirect method and how is the indirect method when we detect the black holes, the stars gathered around one place. As we were walking and circling around, we realized that there was something here, so we
We could not see it directly but we indirectly guessed from the movement of stars that there is something at this place due to which all these things are rotating around it because when we first detected the black hole, it was 1970 and 1970. Even in our vision, we did not see the black hole directly, rather we saw it in our there is a place in the galaxy which we saw through telescopes around which the stars are revolving. Some stars rotate very fast and some stars rotate very slowly. Now people were surprised as to what was present at this place.
We thought that there is such a star present at this place which is not visible but after that, we got the idea because Einstein's theory was also telling us this and his solutions were telling us that black holes exist so the name of black holes is everywhere. It was present at this place and it was considered a fantasy but then for the first time, the scientists started saying that a black hole was present at this place but for 30 years to 35 years the scientific community did not believe much in the black hole in 2000. Even in 2005, big scientists were saying that black holes do not exist but
Do you know when in human history we received the first signal from a black hole? Let me take you back to the 1930s. In the 1930s, Bell Labs made a series of antennas to make the TINA series. The reason for this was that we could see that when we communicate from one place to another, the noise that comes in it, the sounds that come in it, or the voice that is damaged, can be rectified, then we called Noise Distribution. We wanted to learn, in technical terms, we wanted to learn the distribution of noise.
But what happened was that when this antenna was made, it started receiving a strange signal. Now people were very surprised. Scientists were very surprised when they saw from which direction this signal was coming, then when they looked at the direction of this signal. When we tried to measure it, we found out that it was coming from the center of the Milky Way and today we know that there is a huge black hole in the center of the Milky Way which is called Sagittarius A. We had taken its signal in 1930. But we had no idea, we had no idea, 1970 we looked from the stars and then we saw something.
It was realized and after 2005, serious discussions started on black holes and research on it started. Is it not the same case with white holes? We may have seen white holes and we still need 50 years to understand. What we have seen are white holes, just as in black holes also it took us almost 50 years to understand that these signals were coming from black holes. Yes, this is exactly the situation and now it seems that we are seeing white holes. Let me also tell you that when we talked about the fact that we go inside a black hole and it shrinks, it means that
The black hole is becoming very small, it is becoming smaller with time, if someone is looking from the outside, he will see billions of years, billions of years will come and in billions of years, Hawking radiation also tells that the black hole is evaporating. Quantum loop theory also tells us that the black hole is getting compressed, it is shrinking from inside, so the space-time of the black hole is curving, it is shrinking and it is getting smaller and smaller, and then a time will come. That there will be a transition and transition means that whatever is inside will come out, now our mathematics tells us.
This tells us that when a black hole shrinks so much that it becomes equal to a hair, it becomes a white hole. The size of a white hole can be equal to a hair, but how can we test this? Our universe. The big black holes that started forming after the Big Bang, about 700 million years after the birth of our universe, are called quasars. They were very big black holes, they were massive black holes. Today these black holes It has been billions of years since they were formed and if it has been billions of years since they were formed then it means that it is possible that
Black holes have turned into white holes and in our space, you get a soup of white holes because these white holes are very small. I have put a picture of bacteria here just to show you that these invisible white holes are exactly the same. There will be holes which will be floating, they will be floating everywhere, they will behave like matter but not interact with light and there will also be gravity, so if I think that there is such a thing which we cannot see, which we cannot detect. And if it has gravity then is there any such thing that we have seen such matter and the form of matter
Is there dark matter? Yes, there is dark matter, so dark matter is the first contender, so dark matter is the first known medium towards which we suspect that instead of the dark matter here, we will find a soup of white holes inside. If you think about dark matter. If you don't know, then let me tell you that there is much more dark matter in our universe than visible matter, about 25 to 27 percent is dark matter and if you look at a galaxy, you will see the galaxy is very small but there is a huge mess around it. What is not visible is present which translates it in its speed.
It is called dark matter and if this dark matter is a lump sum bill of white holes then zillions of white holes will be present in it, due to this its gravity becomes very high. Now the question is that we have doubted it, we have made a hypothesis. That dark matter can be made up of white holes, but to prove it right, we will have to go towards experimentation, and then we will have to make a complete model from the Big Bang till now in which way. How did the universe form? How did black holes form? Then how did black holes shrink? The things that were formed from them were:
There were white holes, how did they come into the form of dark matter? We have to make models, we have to do simulations, we have to make equations, and after that, we can reach the point that what we are talking about right now is going toward the hypothesis. The hypothesis is really right but there is another way and that is direct detection. This is indirect detection but there is also direct detection and indirect detection we can do various calculations. For example, we know that there is a lot of dark matter present in our galaxy. And let me also tell here that if dark
If we look at the matter in solar mass, then it is equal to trillions of solar masses. From these calculations, we can estimate how many white holes there will be. This work can be done very easily. When these calculations are being done, then With time we come to know that there are so many white holes that after some time a white hole passes through this room. If a white hole is passing through here then we can detect it but how will it be detected because it is Dr. is immune to any type of measurement because we do not see it interacting with matter.
I am telling you about the research of Carlo Ravelli whose entire research is done by him. He is making a quantum detector and the work of that quantum detector will be that whenever a white hole passes by it, it will try to detect it. Now and how. Will detect, okay, white holes do not interact with matter but there is one thing that we can detect, that is gravity, so we are making such a quantum detector which can detect gravity and then we will know about white holes. Let me tell you that whenever we move towards a new theory, we have to change our perspective.
We have to change, we have to do mind travel, for example, the scientist who said that the land is in space, must not have thought by keeping his mind on the ground, he must have done mind travel, must have done imagination, and he must have thought that if I am on the ground, What will I see if I go above the sky because at that time we see the ceiling as the sky, he traveled, his mind traveled and when he traveled his mind and he left his old beliefs behind, then he made new innovations, just like this. The first scientist made maps of the world if it was on the ground.
While making a map, he used to think that he was on the ground and I am making a map, so his maps are very different, but he thought how can an eagle see the ground if I am in the eagle's place, now he did a mind journey and went out of his comfort zone. He came out of his belief system, the things he believed in. He left them behind for a while. He went into space and after going there, he thought about what the land looked like and he made maps. Finally, I will tell you one more thing. Let me give you an example of science: Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein says that imagination is more important than knowledge.
It is more important because Albert Einstein was that scientist who thought that if I see a beam of light, what will I see? Can a common man think like this, but he had to give us a new theory and for that theory, he had to change his perspective, he had to imagination and after that when he started thinking about this thing, he gave a theory which will probably continue to impact us for centuries, so it is important that if you want to find something new. There is nothing you want to find out, so the things you are thinking about right now
Sometimes challenge your belief system, those that come from your culture, those that come from your everyday life, and when you challenge and you do mind travel, only then you will be able to bring new things and show them to the world. Imagination is very important for mind travel. Today we are talking about our entire series of white holes in which we told you how white holes are formed from black holes and the things we doubt about white holes at this time. That these could be white holes, what is that, dark matter, and how they
If it can be detected, then when various organizations are working independently on dark matter, if they also succeed in detecting it, they will tell us whether these are white holes or not, and if we detect white holes, Now, if we take a look at the few things left about Einstein which we have not discovered, one of the biggest things is the white holes which appear in his equations and in his solutions, so we will discover that too. Like Takti Line and share. Do it and keep sending this film to the squads