Kids Eat Vegetables
The issue in every house of ours is that our children do not eat vegetables. If you ask anyone, everyone's complaint is that why do they not eat vegetables. This is the story in our house. It is also said that in our house, children do not eat vegetables.
I get tired of telling them that the downside of vegetables is that they do not come towards vegetables, so I thought of having a debate with the children. I asked the children why they did not eat vegetables. While eating, he replied to me that it was because of science.
Science was surprised as to how science stops you from eating vegetables. let us debate for the right of you to eat vegetables with your son-in-law, why children, vegetables. I did not eat, I immediately accepted it and started waiting for the evening at 6:00. We all sat down.
At first, there was a smile on the faces of the children. I was also happy that the children would pay more attention to my words now, so I smiled and asked, yes. How much money did you get? Why don't children eat vegetables? He smiled and said
Said, there are four reasons why we do not eat vegetables and these four reasons are scientifically proven, that is, science proves them. I was surprised. I said, Son, don't talk from your side, whatever you want to talk about, do it.
Whether it was taken from any journal or from anybody who tells us scientifically correct things, then he told me that we have taken these things from BBC, we have taken them from Scientific American articles, and apart from that, all the resources and sources he has used.
According to him, everything was fine so I asked Okay, tell me then what are those four Vaju Haat? He said the first reason why we do not eat vegetables is because of what vegetables give us. I said vegtables give us a lot of nutrients. Then the children said, Papa, nutrients at a young age. There is a need for food, but along with it, there is a need for such foods that can give you energy and children need energy because they have to grow, but do you know that the caloric value of vegetables i.e. their use in providing energy. It is much less than meat or sugar. I was surprised to hear his first answer.
When I asked how is that, he said, 'For sure, we talk about 100 grams of carrot. If we talk about carrots, you know that 100 grams of carrots has only 41 calories but 100 grams of chicken has 165 calories. When these calories are absorbed into our body.
If we go to food, our body produces more energy from this food and we can grow, so we need a lot of growth. Yes, at your age, perhaps there is not so much need for growth, so you do not need too many calories. His lips were also smiling, I felt very sad after hearing this from him, I said, Son, every
Cheese has its own benefits so he said Baba, at your age,, it is very good to eat watermelon, but do you know that to digest watermelon, more energy is required than the energy that watermelon gives us, that is, we can eat one thing. Children's bodies are using more energy and the energy they are getting from it is less, then tell me, okay, if we eat watermelon, it will contain nutrients and it will have many other benefits. There will be things like that but if you talk about its caloric value, if you get anything from it.
If we talk about the energy used, it is very little, that is why children mostly go towards meat and sugar because they get energy from there and they do not do this intentionally but there is a programming of this thing in their mind, I think it is more conventional.
I was not able to understand but I guessed that the children had done some homework. I said okay, this is not a very important region. Next region, they said yes, region number two is our taste buds, those sensors on our tongue. The one who tastes the taste and takes it to the brain, the one who
There are sensors, there are very many in children, how many are there, 3 Haj test birds are present in children, but do you know Baba, how many test birds do you have, I asked how many I have, then he said, you have at most 10000. As the age increases, it can be 99000, it can be 5000 and at one place Baba it is also written that you can reach even 2000, so let us think positively and we understand that you are not too old yet. That's why you have 10000 test birds. Now you have 10000 test birds.
Birds have 10000 such sensors, and there are niches through which you can feel the taste, we have 300, this means that when you eat one thing and when we eat one thing, we will taste more of it and that is why we eat vegetables. Don't eat, I was surprised. I said, what is the reason for not eating vegetables because of having more taste buds? Then he said that the reason is that vegetables are thirsty.
I was surprised. I said, because of having more taste buds, vegetables are not eaten. When they could not find any link regarding food, they said that
Vegetables are bitter and sour, they have different tastes, but when a person grows older, he has to eat them because of his taste. Their taste buds reduce, he does not feel much difference between chicken, pumpkin, and bitter gourd, he feels the difference but not as much as a rich child, he feels a lot of difference from taste buds, that is why we also feel bitterness more. We also feel sourness more and if we do not come towards vegetables, then we can never taste the vegetables we are eating, which we used to eat in childhood.
I became silent after listening to him, so I told him that son, I have started eating at an older age, then he said okay, we will also start eating at an older age because when our taste buds decrease, we will also start eating less. We will start getting closer to each other and we will not notice much difference in things. Things will start getting accepted by us. We will start accepting their tastes and along with that, Baba, let us also tell you that whenever we look at a vegetable, So we think with our hind brain i.e. we have a more developed survival brain.
The frontal cortex i.e. the front brain is not developed. This is the brain that forces you to think. It forces you to think. When you change your habits, this brain has a huge impact. I said this, you have absolutely understood this. Right, this brain of yours always takes decisions out of fear, and fights for life for survival and whenever we see vegetables, we think more than this brain because this front brain of ours is not formed but when a person grows up, His brain develops a lot, becomes mature and this brain
He thinks what is the harm in vegetables and slowly he tries to convince his soul that I should eat vegetables because we do not have this developed brain so it is difficult for us to decide even after knowing that vegetables are good. We cannot eat vegetables. The third reason is that when humans lived in the forests a long time ago. I said this. When the history class started, they said no, no, you listen to us carefully today because after today you will not force us. The third reason is that when a person eats vegetables for a long time
Earlier, when he used to live in the forests, at that time he used to come across such a huge number of herbs and plants which were poisonous to a human being, the only sign of which was that usually the fruits that grow on poisonous plants or the fruits that grow on them. Vegetables taste like they are bitter or astringent or sour and humans slowly and gradually took this thing into their database that sour and bitter things are poisonous. These things came to our genome and we found such genes also present in us. which prevents us from liking bitter things, I was surprised and
I asked, do we really have such genes within us, then he showed me an article by BBC in which this thing was written in front and the name of that gene was also written, so now we have formally inculcated within us the genes of children that when Also, if they see something bitter, they run away from it. Children will eat only those vegetables that they do not find bitter at all and they run away because they have a feeling that they have to avoid it, we have to survive and when we have to survive, our bodies are still We are not so developed that if we eat something poisonous, we can detoxify it.
To clean their body, children naturally run away from vegetables, and the last reason, the fourth reason for not eating vegetables is you. I said, I have always said to eat vegetables, then he said Baba, you have always said to eat vegetables, but Whatever moments we have in our memory in which we achieved happiness, there is no association of vegetables with those moments. I got thinking and I said that I did not understand what you said, then he said that whenever there are birthdays, whenever we celebrate Tehwar. Whenever it was a happy time, when our marks were high, you used to say
Friend, let the pizza be done, I will give you toffee if you do this, I will give you chocolate if you do this, we will go out and eat if you do this, all the successes you have achieved, we have connected them to those foods which had too much fat in them, which had too much There was sugar in it and it had a lot of protein in it. Whenever we are happy, we know that our memories are formed. Baba, I said yes, of course, when our memories are formed, then these things are also associated with those memories in our brain. It becomes clear that at that time you
What things did I eat? When I remember that when I got A stars, my marks were very high, at that time you gave us a pizza party, then I see the connection of pizza with happiness. Baba, this is called associative learning and associative learning. We have always kept either meat or sugar or those foods which are not very good for the health of the children and later you tell us that yes. Eat vegetables, eat vegetables. How many times have you said that son, today is your younger sister's day.
It's your anniversary, let's make cabbage soup today. You never said, you never said that when you come first, I will give you a big pomegranate. You never said, how many such prizes are there in our schools, our colleges, our offices in our universities. which contain fresh fruits and vegetablesIf you never eat vegetables, then tell me, when you do not associate all our happiness and our memories with vegetables, but associate them with other foods, then how can you tell us that son, you do not eat vegetables, I was almost surprised. Me
I did not expect that the children would come back after doing so much research. I asked the children, "Son, what is the solution to this?" Then the children said, "Baba, we also understand that vegetables contain many nutrients and many minerals which we need." That's why we will tell you a trick as to how you can get children to eat vegetables. I immediately became smart and said, 'How come?' Didn't tell but implemented through your actions
have told us that happiness and memories are always related to foods that are high in protein and high in sugar. Through this associative learning, you can integrate vegetables into our lives. When we were children, we did not eat many vegetables. Especially those vegetables that have even a little bit of bitterness or are even slightly sour. Along with this, let me also tell you that this thing is present in the human body that sour things can become poisonous, bitter things can become poisonous because when we Long time ago when we lived in forests, we knew that sour things and sour plants
Bitter plants are poisonous and the same thing is slowly and gradually ingrained in our DNA, in our genomic material. I had also told in the previous video that there is a gene that immediately withdraws its hand from bitter things after seeing them. Vegetables have a low energy profile, which is why children do not have much interest in them at the same time, we have always kept vegetables very far behind in our list of happiness and have kept meat and sugar very much ahead, this means that That we have given this message to children that if there is an opportunity for happiness, we have to create memories.
Because memories are created on happy occasions, then either meat or sugar will be there in those memories. There is no trace of vegetables, so here it is also our fault that we have given wrong diseases and wrong messages to the children due to which they do not like vegetables. But don't children always eat vegetables? A big reason for children moving away from vegetables is that we start telling them not to eat vegetables, this one doesn't eat vegetables, this one doesn't eat vegetables, this one doesn't eat vegetables. The phrase is 'he will not eat vegetables', 'he will not eat vegetables', 'he will not eat vegetables'
I am telling the children that they have never eaten vegetables. I am saying these phrases knowingly, the reason is that because of the words of these phrases, you are expecting from your child that he will not eat vegetables and the child will live up to your expectations. This effect is called the Pigme Effect in the language of science. The Pigme Effect is such an important effect. If you bring it to anything then you will realize how big a role expectations have in changing our behavior. Let me take you with two science grains. These two scientists did an experiment that changed the date.
Their names were Robert Rosens and Lenore Jacobson, one was a woman, one was a man, both were PhDs, they were educated at Stanford University, one went to school and after going to the school, they gave some selected tests to the children, the tests were very common and they told the class teacher. Told that when the children came after taking this test, it was an IQ based test, then we will tell you that in the class of 100, I am saying this on my behalf, who will be the 10 best children in the class of 100, who will come first in Maths. Those who will take the first positions and then take the test
He came back after four days and gave a list of 10 children out of 100 children that these are your best children. When Asja Karam saw the list, very normal and very light children were also present in it. He was surprised. He went and said, Sir, these are the children. He said, yes, these are the children, they are the ones who came on top in the tests that we saw, then you will see that these are the children who will come in the first 10 positions at the end of the year and that is exactly what happened. Those who were far behind in the class also came to the top, after a year the teachers gave them
He said, Sir, when the next class comes, do the same survey again so that we can know who are our good 10 children in the next class. He smiled and brought all those test papers and again gave them to him which he had conducted last year. Teachers were surprised to see that not even one was checked and they asked on what basis did you check those 10 children? Then they said in mini manam ho i.e. after taking out the slips, we checked those 10 children on the slips and you Gave it but you set your eyes on them
The seeing eye changed for those children and when you had hope, the attitude of those children towards you also changed. Our hope has so much power. He wrote a book on this whole process which is called Pigm in the Classroom. Pigm Effect is the psychological name of this. Pig Melian effect of this effect is used in many places and this fact says that if you change your action towards someone or change your perspective, then it has an impact. The next person sees it and because of seeing it, that person also the guy's There is action change towards you, and when its action changes towards you
If it happens then you understand that my action was excellent, you get positive feedback, and then you move towards your action, for example, take the example that the teacher said that these children are smart, but if the children were not smart, then the teacher told them that Started giving respect that these children are smart so started respecting them. Now when the action changed towards them then those children also started understanding that we are smart, we are very intelligent if the teacher is saying and that test. If this comes to me then we are intelligent so now we too will have to be a little better and he asked the teacher to be that much better.
When that response came to the teacher, it would be easier for the teacher to accept that, okay, these children are really amazing, look how well they are doing the tests, how well they are getting marks, how well they are doing their homework, and their belief system. What has changed is because of an expectation. When you tell a child that he does not eat vegetables, it means that you have given a complete label to the child that he does not eat vegetables, he will not eat vegetables, or he has not eaten vegetables, it is better than this. The phrase is that you say he doesn't eat vegetables right now but inshallah he will start.
It will be possible to eat vegetables at the moment he does not eat vegetables but gradually he will start eating vegetables then hopefully show your children that I expect you to eat vegetables and then you see how the meeting fact will impact your children and gradually your children will eat vegetables. When you come to food, you will always think that he has not eaten vegetables, and he will not eat them. Do not give crate size to children. If they are eating some vegetables, then keep giving them those vegetables for now and gradually move them to other vegetables. Let me also tell you this
The children told me in the last video that if you make some improvements in the vegetables and give them to the children, then the children will definitely eat those vegetables. You also keep giving them a variety of salads, if you make some pickles in the vegetables, which are called pickles with vinegar. Vegetables: We will make some dip sausages, mix them, and bring some creativity, then children will easily come towards those vegetables. Another way is that you can grind the vegetables in the form of powder, add that powder to various things and start feeding them because You have to feed vegetables to children.
It will not contain the fiber content, but your children will get complete nutrition, so this is also a way to feed vegetables to children until they start eating vegetables themselves. Let me also tell you that You can also make different types of games. To make them eat vegetables, give them vegetables in different colors. Cut the vegetables into different shapes. Let them collect vegetables of different tastes. Mix the vegetables in something. Add them to something. Sometimes add a little chicken so that it
May the wish also be fulfilled and in this way also you can give them vegetables. Mothers will have to put in some hard work to feed them vegetables. The child will not eat vegetables. But if you sit near the child and say, 'Dude, when I was young, I too did not like vegetables.' When you eat, the child will turn aside and look at you. You also did not eat, so why are you telling me? Then you tell him that in the beginning I did not eat and then one day I prepared the potatoes and ate them like this, so it was fun. Now the child is listening to you very attentively, he is saying that if you do potatoes like this, it will be more fun, and you
We have to bring it towards this direction gradually and along with it, we also have to give this message to the children and their parents that we must keep vegetables in every war, when we go to parties, on birthdays, on Eid, on Shabra, at any place even when we die and Even when we are born, we do not prepare vegetables, then how will we force our children to eat vegetables? They will not have vegetables in their memory, therefore, we must bring vegetables into our children's memory as well. Vegetables are a very important part of our diet. But I have heard a lot of people talking about vegetables.
Let the child remain hungry and if he remains hungry then this is a big Sunnah and at the age of a child, we did not let him remain hungry. It is Sunnah to remain hungry. Alhamdulillah, no one denies that, but we did not allow the child to remain hungry. Do not give because the child's brain is being formed and the child's body is being formed. He needs to eat a lot, that is why perhaps Allah Almighty has created him with this brain. This is the brain that fights for survival. It is the mind that fights the war that understands that if there is hunger
So I am fighting for survival, that is why a small child becomes so impatient with hunger that we all are surprised that he does not have patience for even two minutes. Allah Taala has made this system and Allah Taala has kept this thing in it that when you If you are hungry then you should not compromise, you need milk, you need mother's milk, and you have to cry in every situation with a loudspeaker so that the mother can hear from far away that my child needs me, then this thing is a part of our biology, so if We say that if you let your children go hungry at a young age, they will remain hungry twice and they will remain hungry three times.
It will last and then it will be fine. It is very difficult. Addiction is a concept, children need a lot of nutrition all the time to growth, and theney need many things, hence to maintain their mental as well as their physical body, it is necessary to eat to make them grow, so vegetables are necessary. Bring into their life with love and by choice but do not put any restrictions on their food for the sake of vegetables.