Stress Hormones Effect Human Health




we will discuss what effects stress has on a person's body. I want to tell you here that This session will be of a very light nature because we need to understand what kind of diseases a person can get due to stress and stress is usually given by humans to humans but now I am going to tell you that it affects your and my body. What will be the effects of stress on my body? Some effects


This will happen for some time and some of the effects will be very long term, therefore, first of all, it is very important to say that a system is running in our country, Command and Control Management, this system is gradually spreading in the world, it is coming to an end. But this system is still taking hold in our country.

 Wherever you look, you will see that human beings are creating other human beings like this. As I read more books, I am feeling extremely regretful. That we have completely deviated from our religion and have adopted such a management system


Which is only making people sick, you go to a university, first go to the office, give a task to your colleague around 4:00 or 5:00, which you have to stop and complete. His children are waiting at home, his family is waiting for him, his life is waiting, but our effort is to give reward to the person who is most late to the office, who takes the least number of leaves, who is just in the office. But in the modern age, such people are said to have a balanced personality.


They do not have personality and the neuro leaders of the future will be those people who will be as per their parents' personality and will be complete in every aspect, they will give time to family, they will give time to home, they will give time to office also, they will go on holidays, they will go on trips, they will do all kinds of things.

 They will do activities which are very important for their mind and their body. I have worked in many organizations, so I have an idea that the organizations in big cities, the seth oriented organizations and even the multinational organizations in our country. Stress is a big issue there


Which is not even discussed, people get scared, people say that it does not exist and cannot say that I am stressed, but I told you that no person in the world can claim that I do not feel stressed because research says this.

 That when you come into closed rooms, you come into closed walls, scientific research says this, then your cottages and levels increase, if you go under stress, then no person can claim this world scientifically that he is not stressed. And when there is stress, we tell people to leave the household work at home, if the child is sick, then

 It is your business with us, why don't you concentrate on your office work? We do this kind of politics in the office environment, we do this kind of dis-honesty, we work against merit, when a person is not honest, when a person is a beast, every person is a beast. But when a person goes beyond a limit then he gives stress to someone or the other and when he is giving stress to someone then he is not just spoiling the health of that person which is what I am going to tell you today. Rather, he is spoiling that man's attitude, he is spoiling that man's life.

 He is spoiling it and he is also suppressing his future because he will be questioned about his life, that is why I am talking about this matter so seriously because in my 1617 years of career, I have seen that the stress day and the body changes in the new generation and the new generation. The demands of the world are increasing with new demands, but we are afraid of taking the name of stress.

 We think that if someone says that I am under stress, then he is unfit for the job, he is out of shape, that poor guy himself. I also get into a complex that I am under stress but due to not handling the stress, people

 People's blood pressure is going down, people are getting sick, digestion system is getting spoiled, people are getting various types of diseases but we do not value these things. When we were in the university, a teacher used to tell us that out of 42 people, 38 So the feeling is that it is four, five, five. I am making the paper very tough. Brother, where is this badi. What favor have you done? If after teaching 42 children, you have fanned 38, then if things are under my control, then I So after getting your license, I do not understand what kind of teacher you taught the children for four months, what kind of students you taught them.

 What kind of leadership did you provide for upbringing, how did you share with them, how much knowledge did you inspire, that you made 38 people fail. In my class, 38 children failed in one subject and they became Jenny patients. Some of them missed the university, poor people.

 Some had come from home after saving money for each semester and did not tell their family members. Some were doing part time jobs. Some had fallen somewhere. Some had started taking drugs. Some were using 100 types of missiles and so on. That a gentleman might have thought that I have failed so many children or he?

 Must have been told that if there is money for this semester then you will fail, how much stress they have given, how many lives they have spoiled.I spoiled the candidate only because in the university we understand that the one who does not change is not a master.

 I do not consider him a master. Modern science does not consider him a master. If you are a master and the children in your class are failing. To know the truth, do self-reflection, consider your teaching methods, God has given 80 billion neurons, 80 billion neurons in this brain, Mishal Kaku says

 It is said that the most complex thing in the world is our brain. It is such a big science that if it is saying that the most complex thing in the world is our brain. You sell a child in such a way that he doesn't even know anything, then this will be a question for you, remember this.

 This will be a question to you in the end that if you canceled the machine built by me so easily, then the stress that we give in universities, in private universities and in public universities, spoils the lives of children, children fall into various types of addictions and develop addictions. diseases go away in the house

 Many poor people cannot read, we don't even think about it, we don't even tell the children how to do stress management, there is no such consultant in our university, there is no psychologist or psychiatrist who can tell the children that you have done the exam.

 How to handle the pressure? You have learned how to handle the stress. This is the way we are coming to college. In college, children have a lot of exam stress but we do not give them any help or awareness as to how to eliminate this stress. There are five teachers in one day who give their tests to each other.

 We don't coordinate that in one day we do two tests, then the next day we do two, then we do one, we coordinate among ourselves and due to miscommunication, we will keep five tests in one day. Now the child will go and drink coffee all night long. You are studying, brother, what kind of study is this? What effect does coffee have on your brain? Coffee makes you focus temporarily but its long term disadvantages are that it bypasses your system which is responsible for sleep and fatigue. Because of this he tries to dominate, he keeps going like hell for 10 hours and then after going to the paper he tells you.

 Because when the power ends, you fall, then first of all, I have talked about this so strictly because my aim is that if God gives me life in 2024, then I will destroy all the institutions of my country. You have to tell that your environment is not good, your working environment is not good, your organizational culture is not good, you have inherited this culture, you have taken it from your ego, you have taken command and control from the industrial world but it does not exist in today's world, that is why. You will see that full time jobs are available

 As the number of people decreases, people will do those jobs in which someone signs a contract, completes the contract for a few hours, takes money, this is how freelancers work, the way today's children have started working, no 7:00 am to 5:00 pm job. We will because stress is a big issue in jobs and now I am going to tell you what effect stress will have on your body, so let's go to a social scientist and his name is Daniel Gole Mein, if you do not know him. Look at their picture closely because they have emotional intelligence.

 He is the father of this word, Emotional Intelligence, he gave it. You can see his books and in it he told that Emotional Intelligence is understanding someone's emotions, understanding someone's judgment and understanding your own emotions.

 It is more important that you He had a very high IQ and there was a lot of discussion about stress in his book. He told that short term stress is good for us but if you are under chronic stress or long term stress then it is absolutely good for your body. No, we had seen that if the lion had come.

 If a snake comes towards you or towards you, then your control shifts and your control goes to your hind brain which is called primer brain and this part of the brain, its function is to keep you alive, survival is yours. What it has to do is that it immediately means that you go under stress and it has to deal with it in such a way that it has to increase the flow of blood towards your legs so that the muscles of the legs become stronger and you run but there is a term in humans. And that is that a person does not feel stressed only when he is feeling threatened.

 A car came in front of him, a lion came in front of him, but when he realizes that this thing can become a danger in Future, that is, the danger has not yet come towards him, but if he is thinking that this thing happened like this, today my boss told me this phrase.

 Said it means that my boss thinks about me like this, it means that my image is not good in front of him, it means that he will not send me for the upcoming training if I do not go there. Then someone else will go, then who will he be, he will be my so and so colleague and you will slowly but surely detain the danger which did not come in front of you.

 But what you are creating with your thoughts also activates your stress circuit, but a big example of serious danger is in Covid, when people did not get Covid, but many people got stressed whether it should be Covid or because of that. there was a lockdownSo due to loneliness, he went into stress, although he did not have Covid, but there is danger, in the same way, when the weather is bad, storms come, any such thing that you start thinking that this might have happened, this might have happened or This is how it can happen in Future, this is how it can happen, a small storm has come here in B.

 That also activates the circuit of stress and perhaps I cannot say with certainty that this work probably happens in humans, so even in perceived danger you have to give a stress response and when you give a stress response in a perceived danger, it is a fight response. It changes a bit, now in the fight response, you want to overpower the opponent in the middle, you want to take control of him, that is, you must have heard the word, you want to micro manage, you want to take control from him, you want to make him win with various things that I am the boss. If I am powerful or if he is a friend then he.

 If you want to win in different ways, then the fight response of the human being changes in this, overpowering others and with that, we take control to ourselves and control of others. We should have control of ourselves but by taking control of others, we give control to others. They do not keep their freedom, they realize that it is not me who has to do something but they have to do it, then in this way flight response comes, in flight response we have such people who will say that you hit that thing first, you hit it first. Both of them kept saying but no one will kill both of them.

 If you are scared from within, then there are such people who go into a flat response when any threat comes, do this much by fighting, do this much by fighting or they choose to run away from there and the third one is freeze response in perceived danger and in perceived danger. The freeze response is that you immediately hide behind someone. There was a very famous fight in our locality in which the father-in-law got very angry with his son, so he used to hide behind his wife and he repeatedly said, Sir, this is a poisonous thing for your daughter-in-law. If you don't say anything then which response was this Freeze Response In this way you.

 You must be seeing the responses in these three which are visible to you. The best example to check these responses is your children. You make your child a little serious, do not have fun, you and you have to tell them that son, I will talk to you now. If your child says Baba, no, I can't talk, I have a test right now, my teacher has called me, or I have to go play football, I have to do this, I have to do that, you, no, I have to talk to you, not much, I don't have time. So what do you do when you tell the child not to talk?

 I realized that now there will be a class, there will be a lecture, then I will have to face the pressure, then that is the stress response and anyway you know the primer brain ball of the child gives that stress response. Now the first stress response is that the child starts arguing with you. 

Dega will start an aggressive argument, you will realize that this is his fight response. His fight response is not that he will fight with you but his fight response is that he will react with you and the second is that he will sit in front of you and look at his watch for a while. He will see again, he will look at the clock sometimes. I usually talk about children.

 When I am there, he looks at the clock, then I guess that now he will look towards the door in the flight response, he will be looking towards the door to know what time I will leave from here and the third is that if you get angry. I am there and he will get scared, he will say no, yes, no, he will just keep looking at you and listening to you, so you can easily see this response in children and it is okay to identify them, there are two systems, there is one system. Which is called parasympathetic nervous system or parasympathetic system?

 Time is activated when a person is relaxed, work is done and its function is to keep the person focused on digestion, it has to focus on the growth of the person, the person is very relaxed, at this time I am operating in the para sympathetic system, nervous. System but there is another nervous system in our body which is another system which is called sympathetic system and this nervous system gives fight flight and freeze response. Yes, of course it gets activated when you come under stress. Time, this system regulates your hormones and some hormones in your body.

 When it is injected into your blood stream, hormonal changes occur in you, your sugar levels increase. This system also takes you into focus mode because for fight flight and freeze, you need focus.

 You need your senses but also have fun. The thing is that there is a relationship between these two systems and that relationship is that either you will be in the parasympathetic system or you will be in the sympathetic system. You cannot run both systems at the same time, that is, you will either be in a relaxed mode or You are in stress response mode.

 If you take too much stress or you are given too much stress by someone then it means that you operate more in the sympathetic nervous system and it has taken more charge of you. It happens, but if you remain calm, cool, difficulties arise, problems arise, but still you remain completely complete, then it means that you are.

​We operate more in the sympathetic system, so when we go into the sympathetic system, stress comes and the sympathetic system is completely nervous system.

 When it gets activated, now some changes take place in our body. I am showing you two eyes here. If you are looking at their pupils, then in the sympathetic system, the pupils of our eyes get dilated.

 When you go under tension, when you go under stress, when you go under more stress, you You can say that your eyes will slowly start dilating or the pupils will start expanding and when you will be completely relaxed again, when that fear will go away, then now your pupils will come back to their original shape but this Work is not done only with the pupils of the eyes but when we.

 When we go to the synthetic system, at that time some hormones are generated. The most important hormones in our body are three, which I am going to discuss here. These are chemicals.

 To understand them, a fountain of them enters our brain and our blood stream. This happens as soon as you go under stress, there is a hormone, it is also called Nani Afan and when it comes into our body, this hormone is injected, then our breathing gradually becomes faster, that is, when we go into stress response, our Breathing happens, you see it, our heart rate increases.

 Gradually it starts increasing. Well, if the breathing is fast then we will discuss on this also sometime. Deep breathing and fast breathing means shallow breathing. Shallow breathing means that you breathe from the chest. 

You are inhaling, you are not breathing deeply, then when you inhale rapidly and exhale rapidly, then actually you are breathing shallowly and due to this, your blood pressure starts increasing and the pumping rate of your heart. It starts to intensify, scientifically this is happening along with your blood.

 You need more oxygen in it, okay blood, you immediately shift the flow to that side, the flow increases in that direction. If you have to work more from the arms, then you will increase the flow of blood towards the arms. When you have to work towards the legs, then your brain will move towards the feet. The flow will increase along with this, the glucose sugar in the blood will increase because you have to respond, hence you need energy, you have to be strong, right, now you are not working, then your glucose level in the blood will increase. Fatty acids and glucose. Two things will start increasing in your blood in your body, you may.

 The temperature starts rising, you start shivering, you are feeling angry, the color of your skin starts changing, its conductance, which is the right word, is conductance, and the second hormone that is produced is called Nora Apff. I am here. I am showing you that it also comes from ephrin which is a chemical but it also has some benefits. Its advantage is that it boosts the memory.

 Yes, you are going under stress but your memory is increasing, memory is getting better but There is a condition, now I will tell you the condition in which your memory will increase and besides this, it is a pain reliever.

 If you are having a headache, or any place in your body, and you are under stress, you have to give a stress response, you have to fight, then for some time you will feel that the pain is over. It also increases creative thinking. And along with that, it also improves your mood, so it has its benefits too, but when are these benefits available and under what condition, I will tell you about that condition in the next slide.

 There are some benefits of stress too, let me also tell you here. That you like this thing and you are a good friend, it also has tremendous benefits but Epi Fein and Nora

 Epiphy, when it comes and takes over your body, it means that you have gone into a turbo mode, you are in a turbo mode, there is a turbo gear, in exactly the same way, you have gone into a turbo mode and you are at high intensity. You are taking work from your body. If you go into turbo mode for some time then it is a very good thing. If you remain under stress for some time then it is a very good thing. Some positive changes will come in your body but if you remain stressed then it is a very good thing. 

You keep including these hormones in your body, especially Nora Epi Fun, then your cells start killing and

 The question arises that where do they start killing the cells? Very pot, this is a part in our brain which is called the hippocampus. They start killing the cells of the hippocampus. Two such small ones, although the hippocampus is from hippocampus. We have a structure which helps in forming long term memory and memory consolidation.

 When we sleep at night, the hippocampus plays a big role in the memory that is being formed. If the cells of your hippocampus are active in forming long term memory then Due to these hormones, their excesses should start ending.

 Due to production, this means that your memory will slowly start deteriorating. Travel. Now this is a very important thing and along with that, let me tell you that when you use sleep, it also has an effect. It would have given a lot to the hippocampus, it also hits the memory, it is a very important structure, so let us understand that we have received an external threat, a threat has come, there is a bias, I felt that there is a threat, there is a threat to survival, so my brain took control. to keepI gave it to the brain, I went into the primer brain, I became the primer.

 Pram brain has to operate, said close those low priority jobs, close them, and at this time, if I want to stay alive, I need high priority jobs, they need blood, they need oxygen, they need energy, so you guess that. What will be the low priority jobs of the body? They will be your growth. The primal brain will say that there is no need for growth at the moment. There is no need for your growth at the cell level. Your reproductive system. The primal brain will say that until I control it from the external threat. Reproduction system does not get low priority

 Keep growth as a priority and your immune system. There is no need to provide energy to the immune system. As long as there is a threat outside, that threat could be work, it could be the atmosphere of the office, it could be any physical threat. It could be an encounter with an animal in the forest, it could be an exam in which there is a fear of failure. If your immune system becomes a low priority, it means that now you are in for a treat. If different types of diseases come and attack me, then diseases can attack you under stress because your

 Your defense shield has become very weak and if you are constantly under stress, your growth is compromised, you are not growing continuously, your reproductive system is on low priority, it has no importance, your immune system has no importance in your body.

 So now you can imagine how dangerous it is for you and your body that these systems go down even in chronic stress and if you remain under stress for a long time then even at that time this system calls them low priority and high priority. I told you that those things

If it says, then this is a video, you can go to that video and watch it, I cannot put this video here, it is a BBC video, I am managing stress brain mark, so go and watch this video and this is what I have told you about it. You will get a short summary which is the third hormone produced which is a very important hormone. I have shown it in the shape of a doula. It is called cortisol.

 Cutol hormone. Remember, all the hormones are not dangerous. They also have benefits. If this hormone is not If yes, then you cannot respond, it means that you are having a stress response.

 It means to focus. When the pressure of exam comes, while focusing is also a stress response. To survive things, you cannot increase focus, you cannot avoid fear of things, you cannot avoid challenges, so it is important that your body But if you go into aggressive stress, chronic stress or prolonged stress, then it can prove to be very dangerous, so if it is Kurt Joll, then in less than 30 minutes you can get the cottage cheese production done. It means you are under less stress, a stress came for 30 minutes and it came and went, then that's it.

 It is not a problem, cortisol will be produced and the levels of cortisol in the blood can also be monitored. You can get it tested, you can also get medical tests done and consult a doctor, he can tell you what your cortisol levels are.

 You can also get an idea whether it is high or normal, whether I am under stress or I am not under stress, but if the cortisol levels remain high for a long time or suppose you went under stress and cortizo is produced more, then now your The immune system will suppress it as I mentioned earlier.

 Cortisone directly starts damaging your hippocampus and starts killing its cells. Now this is a very dangerous thing because your memory will also start getting affected because it redirects the streams of blood and glucose. But along with that there is a terminology Oxidative Stress and Cortizo in it, which is your program, there are more than 30 trillion cells in your body, there is a nucleus in every cell, there is a box, there are 23 chromosomes in that box, there are 2 chromosomes in that box, if the chromosome in a human being one up and down

 If this happens, then it becomes a disease, it becomes a disorder, there is a disorder in children, if the numbers of chromosomes are not correct and the ending points of these chromosomes are called lomi, which I have shown you here in yellow color, if you are in this chromosome.

 Or if there is any further change in DNA or in genes, then it means that you are changing your program. By changing the program, you may get new types of diseases or there may be changes in your body, a result of oxidative stress or chronic stress. Effects on you may be that your thighs start getting smaller.

 They are small when the cell reproduces, the cell divides, at that time also the telum is small, so what happens when the telum is small, then your cell starts growing, its cellular aging, the cell starts to judge, you become old. If it starts happening then if you remain under stress then you will start aging quickly. This thing is happening at the cellular level, so anyway this thing will be seen in the body. Similarly, if you remain under too much stress then due to mutation. And because of their small size, you may suffer from diseases like cancer.

 Diseases like cancer can be caused by stressIf we remain under stress for a long time, I am showing you a research paper here. In the research paper, it has been told that if your cut levels increase, then you have very high chances of getting dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

 The risk increases. And Alzheimer's disease starts 30 years ago when it is detected for the first time, so if Alzheimer's disease is detected at the age of 70, then it is possible that the disease may have started at the age of 40 years or 41 years, but you don't know it. yes and she will be 70 years old.

 If detected in old age, then the chances of memory related and brain related diseases increase due to stress and due to high level of cortisone. I am showing you the picture of the brain here, so you see the normal brain and then If you look at the brain of someone who has Alzheimer's disease, you will see that the matter in the technical word, white matter, has become very dense. 

If you look at it, you will see that the brain shrinks, it becomes smaller in Alzheimer's and Many defects start appearing in it and the person forgets who he is.

 There are also digestive issues due to cortizo. If the cortizo remains large then the bacteria and microbes in your body that are digesting your food get disturbed and you face problems in digesting the food. On the other hand, it reduces blood circulation because it thinks that when one is under stress, it is a low priority job. Digestion is a low priority job. Immune system is a low priority job. Growth is a low priority job. I should do more work. I have to increase the heart beat. So I want to pump the muscles, I want to pump the blood brain.

 Some parts of the stomach have to be given, especially to the reptilian brain so that they can be powerful and take decisions quickly. Apart from this, now you have the stomach. Some of the spellings here are not correct. I had just written this, so the spelling of stomach is not correct. Stomach. The acid present in the food also has its effects, it causes belching, you may have ulcer problem, there may be intestinal issues and hence digestion. 

Whenever you go under stress, generally people have the issue of digestion, but along with this we I can't eliminate stress, at the end of my talk.

 In this part, I will take you towards a concept and I will tell you about limiting belief. Whatever our limiting belief is, it is our own limitations which we have imposed on ourselves. Due to them, we get confused when we understand that I am incapable of doing something. Not better and I have seen this thing so much that I understand so many people that they can go to some places and do better than me, but they do not have the confidence that they can come on social media and speak, however if When I listen to them, I say, what is the matter with them?

 If you have more potential then I have seen many people that they always undervalue themselves and the reason for that is that their limiting belief is that I cannot go and perform, then if you have achieved the limiting belief and you have achieved something. You understood your weakness and you said, no, I am not that good, I can't do this work, then you will get stressed. A very beautiful movie, I will highly recommend this movie. Sit comfortably and watch The King's Speech.

 Let me tell you about it. It's about the King of England. It's about Richard the Four.

 When Guess Joe became the king, England went into World War II. Now the problem with this king was that there was stammering in his tongue, so it was tola, it would not be right to call it totala, it used to bring the right, stammering is a better word. He found it difficult to speak and whenever he spoke at some place, in the Parliament or at some other place, people used to make fun of him, but in this very situation, World War Two started and in World War Two, Hitler and his army were now on one side. and some countries were competing against it from the other side, so it became necessary for them that they

 We had to dress like our community and they had to make speeches and tell people that we will fight them and we are one community and we will stand but their biggest issue was that they had a limiting belief that I cannot speak in front of people and In this movie, they find a teacher who breaks their limiting belief that no friend, you can speak, you can do it very well, you can do it, and in this entire movie it is again shown how he helps them in their It changes the mindset, changes their limiting beliefs and then physical changes come and in the end.

 Gives a wonderful kind of speech and the rest I don't want to give a spoiler alert in this, although I have given a lot but if you want to be inspired then this movie is very good and that is why I have specially included it in this presentation and in this way Another movie from Done Figures is a story of three American women, a scientist and a mathematician, in which they are working on a NASA mission to find out how to send humans into space, but the times are old and the attitudes towards them are racist. He gets it from all sides, their washrooms are separated.

 The whites treat them very badly and people have this limiting belief that they cannot work with us, they have a lot of problems but in the end they solve such problems and they go and appear in the movies too.You can see and then your limiting belief that blacks cannot work together with whites, with equality they crushed it, defeated it and coming out of it, sister, I hope that you too have limiting beliefs, I too have limiting beliefs these days. Some I am trying to counter, especially one of mine in the course.

 There is a big limiting leaf, so I am working on it a lot, I am trying, we should work on ourselves, we should self-reflect, we should take care of ourselves and we should always try to improve ourselves.

 So we all have limiting beliefs, you too will have limiting beliefs that I can't do this, I can't do this, I can't do this, first identify your limiting beliefs, then write them down, then see what you will have to do for them, will you have to take any courses? Will I have to give up my habits and join a social group?

 What will be the way for you to come out of that limiting belief and the world is open in front of you and you come out of stress and conquer the world but in the end I will say again that God should not give stress to the people around him. You also have a very precious father-in-law and along with him, when you give stress to five people in your company for not performing and do not train them, instead of coaching and training them by telling them in a nice manner, smiling and bringing us to the top. Trying to bring them out of stress 

 Do you keep the stress drive, you are not only with the lives of those five people but you are also connected with them as much as they are with their lives, so five means that easily there are 30 people to whom you will have to answer in the end. If a person hears the fire and is unable to go home and play with his children, because of sadness, because of shock, because of trouble, because of your attitude, then we will have to answer, that is why I want to change this culture, this culture of ours.

 It has been ingrained in us that this culture is with us that we should keep the pressure on, that we should not smile or move our hands with the sweeper.

 Don't mix it, don't make any joke with it. This culture has come into us which is far away from religion and along with it is the culture of 1980. Now this culture should end. What is the point of failing 30 well-meaning children. What should happen is that if even one child fails out of 40, you should not sleep at night. There is no shortage left for me. 

 These are the words on a free space, or I am saying this from my experience, we become such big pharaohs that we don't even realize that we are playing with others, we are thinking that it is absolutely fine to suppress like this, then self-reflect, smile in people's lives. I bring beauty in their lives, give them quality time, believe me, you make people's lives beautiful, give them time with family, let them live spiritual life, let them take holidays, let them travel, they will be very good workers, science says that they are very will be good workers and with you.

 It will last for a long time, but if you suffocate people in this manner and make them work with you by suppressing their breathing, you will call them at 9:00 in the morning and keep them with you till 89:00 at night and tell them, no bonus, work hard, work hard, then you will be printed. You have a ship, you have to leave now, leave the family, leave the family, leave the parents, leave the children, you are here only, so they will work for you from time to time, but they will not be able to spend much time with you. If they don't get a job anywhere then they will definitely get the upper hand and the reason for that is you.

 If there are, then this is slow poisoning which people do. I am using strong words for others because I am totally against this thing.

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