Many friends keep asking me about brain disorders and brain diseases. I keep telling them that I am not a doctor, I am not a doctor of the brain but I am a coach and the job of a coach is not to diagnose diseases and cure them, so you should consult Doctor for these things, but today I am going to introduce you to a scientist and a doctor who is He is counted among the top brain doctors in the world.
I am not telling him much, maybe some people may contract it, that is why I have put him in that group which is the group of most doctors in the world and he is being included in it. I am introducing you to Dr. Daniel Amon.
She is a very big celebrity, a doctor as well as a celebrity, and along with being a brain doctor, she is also a psychiatrist. She has practiced for more than 40 years and has given new stubbornness to this show of mine. I will give you that stubbornness. I am also going to show it here but his books have been best sellers five times.
Guess, his five books have been best sellers in the New York Times. Let me also tell you that the fame that Dr. Daniel Amon got due to which he gave a new challenge to psychiatry was that he scanned the brains of 83000 people. Scanned people's brains and saw what is happening inside their brains, what is their behavior, what diseases they have and how is their brain. He did this work for 22 years and got 93 messages about many things. They came to know and now we not only know those things
We will try to know, for that I don't need to make a video, rather I will make five videos and in them, I will tell you what things he saw and how they can be compared, but at the same time he wrote 30 books which are the most popular. There is a book named Shora Afaq, its name is Change Your Brain Change Your Life, I would recommend this book to all to read and it should also be written in Urdu, so for those who run publishing centers, I wish them that Change Your Bay or Change. I will bring your life to Urdu.
I keep saying about books like this, I cannot do it myself, but those who are going to do this will do a favor to their community if they bring this book in Urdu. Along with it, there is another book of his, Use Your Brain to Change Your Age.
Along with that, there is a third book called Magnitiya, which gives so much importance to the brain and tells us that your brain can change, even at any age. If your brain is affected by some disease, then we will also tell you about that. Can fix I am showing you another book of his The End of Mental Illness is a very big
It is claimed that brain diseases are going to be eradicated in this judge and he says in this book that we can reverse every brain disease, if it does not go beyond a limit then we can reverse it and so No scientist has made these claims before, so we must know about them because whenever we talk about mental diseases, many people message me that my brother, my sister, my father have this problem. These are the issues so I am going to get their attention towards them. They ran a show on TV.
But the name of it was Change Your Brain, in which he told about many such things that are important for the brain and about many such things which you can use in certain types of diseases and your brain can recover. Let me also tell you that remember the name, Dr. Daniel Amon.
Doctor Daniel Amon has 11 clinics. The name of his clinic is Amon Clinic. It is also online but now he has 11 clinics in America. His website is available here. Their clinics are shown below so that you can go and explore that website.
Also, visit the website of the online clinic, explore it, and read its articles, you can also communicate with them, you can also take time from their staff, you can send your messages online, you can ask about diseases, then it does two things. The first thing they do is that they assess your disease.
If you are in America and you go to them, then first of all they do this assessment. They also do the online assessment. I have no idea about the fee structure but along with that, if you physically go to his clinic, here you will first meet him.
You will have to go through an assessment, we will interview you with various images and take various tests to see what is the problem with your brain after that the treatment will start and in that treatment, we will give you various types of supplements and medicines.
Let me also tell you this. According to Dr. Daniel Amon, there are 16 types of brain, so if you want to identify which type of your brain is and which type of your brain is among these 16 types, then you can take a very simple quiz by going to their website. I have also taken that quiz and when
When I took that quiz, it told me that out of the 16 categories of your brain, in which category does your brain fall and how to improve it? What are the things you will have to do for this? Gives a short video. The video will probably be of two minutes but it will quickly tell you what is the category of your brain and what you can do to improve it. Let me also tell you this. This is a beginning, the courses that we are bringing to improve the brain will improve the brain a lot, and it will also improve your body a lot.
The courses which will be on Neuro Leadership, courses are like this, you must not have seen such courses, you must not have heard of such things, or you must not have heard of such things at all in leadership courses, I am working a lot on that at the moment and am creating a lot of material, you understand. Consider that I am writing only books and I will bring them in Urdu language but testing this is also a part of it on which I am making videos but formally. The entire course will be launched so you can start from here.
You can test your brain, take a quiz, and after that, you will come to know that your category is 15, your category is three, and your category is nine after that, they will give you some advice, they will give you free advice that you should eat these things, take these supplements and you are The brain will start getting better, so the supplements they gave me that you should take these supplements, I also did research on them and I knew them from before, so I had an idea and now I have ordered those supplements but they are for you. No, they are for me and I for them.
I will use it and then I will make a video on that too, so here I am showing you a whole family of supplements.
These supplements contain various things like fish oil, fish oil is very good for the brain, so here You will also get supplements of fish oil. Here you will get supplements of other things too but only he will suggest them and they will do it after looking at your brain along with that, in the 83000 scans that he has done, he has found out about many diseases inside the brain. I came to know that let me tell you that their
The medication is very different from the common medications. It is very different from the medications that doctors give us after seeing the common diseases of the brain, hence you will be surprised to hear their medications that many times they will tell you about exercises. Will tell you small things to eat, will give changes about Gaza, and many times will tell you about some oil which can improve your brain. The technology used for this entire process is 83000 e-brain images. is called a SPECT scan, just as we call an MRI, a stomach
Scan is called Spect Scan, this method was used and he is the first psychiatrist who started treating the brain through scans he started telling this in leadership and he is considered a great scientist in the world of brain and They started telling us that the behavior change is connected with the brain, so if your mind is not right then you will not be able to change the behavior easily. When we talk about leadership when we talk about the personality of people. When we talk about self-development
When we talk about parenting, when we talk about teaching, when we talk about learning, our brain is used everywhere, so if your brain is not well, if your brain is not doing super processing, you have kept it at a very low level.
If you are running it in second or first gear, then how will you be able to do your self-development, therefore it is important that first of all your mind should be a highly optimized type of mind which should work with full energy and with full processing speed and at that time Maybe now let's move ahead, this may happen at the time when
If your body is completely fit then your mind will not work well until your body is completely fit and how will your body be completely fit, I will tell you all these things in that course, I will tell you about each thing. It is very long, there is science behind it, there are many things, there are so many things that you will probably start getting bored, but until your body is not fit, it has a connection with your brain. Let me also explain that connection. Your brain will not be fit when your brain is not fit in the proper way. If you adopt such a lifestyle then your learning ability will increase.
Your leadership qualities will improve, and you will also become a better critical thinker, now you have to learn other strategies or techniques on top of that, if you want to move towards leadership, then you have to learn the techniques of leadership, you have to learn emotional intelligence, you have to learn empathy.
You have to learn innovation, you have to learn all these things, and you have to learn creativity, but until your brain, your own operating system, hardware, and software are not right, I can teach you as many techniques here as you want, it will not have any effect on you, so now in self-development.
There is a lot of change coming in self-development and that change is coming that first fix your operating system and after that whatever techniques you will learn, you will understand it very fast to acquire that skill to acquire that trait.
You will go and if a child's brain is operating in the wrong mode and is telling him that this child does not study, this child is not correct, he does not understand things, then how will he go towards those things and how will he do self-development, for this I have to get a lot of equipment from outside. I have just bought the first one. equipment first
I have ordered the device from outside and that device is very expensive, I will show it to you here and I will also scan your brain and show you inshallah if it comes to me because at this moment it is on the way, if it reaches me safe and sound. So I will show you by scanning your brain and then I will show you in what way the brain is operating in the wrong mode and if you have to operate the brain in the right mode at this time, that mode can be anything if you are learning. There will be another mode if you are relaxing if you are hyperactive
If you are working on something with energy then there will be another mode. If you are doing routine work then there will be another mode that you will have to go to that mode and for that mode, there are life changes, exercises are dietary, I will give you some advice, nutrition. I will advise you on many things which I will also show you and tell you how to get into this mode, if a child stays in the wrong mode for four hours then he has not learned anything and if you work so hard on him that he starts If I get into the right mode then one can study a lot in a very short time. This is a new field, a new science and there is a lot on it.
More research is being done and people are not ready to accept it yet, but the research that I have seen is very authentic and that is why I am doing this certification and that is why I thought that out of thousands of fields in science, I thought that this is the field that That it can improve the homes of Pakistan, can improve our people mentally, can make their body better, can make them superhuman,