his is How To Regrow Your Hair


Regrow Your Hair


Today in this video I will talk about how to regrow hair that has fallen out or hair has become thin or if alopecia has developed on the head. If you are concerned then this video is my wish for you that I will give you some magical medicine.

 By eating what I could give, these fallen hairs would grow back, but there are some points which are important to understand, especially about the diet, because actually hair is what, hair is protein, it is a type of collagen, so it means is clear. By eating more protein, hair will start growing again. Protein is made up of amino acids.


Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. In the same way, the building block of a house is a small unit, a brick. Similarly, the proteins of the body are made up of these small bricks which are called amino acids and one of the very important amino acids is amino acids. There is an acid whose name is lysine. The presence or absence of lysine in the body or in the diet decides whether the hair will re-grow or not. It is the most important amino acid and by helping in the growth of hair in various ways, it helps in strengthening the hair and Improves elasticity. Now how to take lysine from a diet?


In which foods lysine is found? We also get lysine from plants and grains. Gundam, millet, and rice, all come in grains but the complete profile is not present in plant lysine. Bio-availability is not high. If it comes in the body, then the body can absorb it properly. Not being able to use it properly means that it is not as effective as the lysine obtained from red meat. Red meat contains beef, mutton also contains lysine, and this becomes very relevant for those people. Do not like red meat or are unable to eat it due to some disease but



For common people, grass-fed beef is the meat of cows raised in a natural environment. Organic meat is not only healthy but is very important for the body. The body needs quality protein, especially the protein which contains lysine in large quantities. Another good thing about lysine is that it helps the body in absorbing iron and most of the people suffering from hair loss have low iron levels and iron is necessary for making hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is present in the blood. and its function is to carry oxygen to the scalp.

fe iron


It transports oxygen throughout the body and hair loss is a major sign of iron deficiency anemia. Hence, it is necessary to supply iron to the body so that oxygen and nutrition can reach the hair roots and then when the body is under stress.

 When a woman is going through a disease then the demand and requirement of lysine increases and if it is not present in the body then hair loss occurs due to stress one factor is that the flour in the gut area causes swelling in the large intestine or small intestine. If it is present then the body will not be able to absorb lysine properly and there will be dirt absorption.


If there is a deficiency of lysine then you should avoid gluten from grains because gluten causes gut inflammation due to which proteins and other minerals are not digested properly and one has to face hair loss.GOOD health is very important.

 Studies have also talked about the results of the Carny Vore Diet, and how following the Carnival Diet stopped hair fall of those people who were facing hair loss.

 I personally am not on the Carnival Diet, I also like vegetables and from the diet. Also available protein but for those who have gut inflammation

Carnival Diet


Is there any problem in the large or small intestine? You should definitely try it for one month because this is a very strong connection between the digestive system and hair.

 If you consider hair as a plant, then the digestive system is the roots of these plants. The plants are inside the soil, you can see them outside the ground, and you can see whether they are healthy or not, but the condition of the roots is not visible from outside.

 Another factor is that if the gut flora is disturbed, it can affect the digestive system of the plant. Friendly bacteria that help absorb lysine


If the population is low due to bad eating habits, if you are fond of eating outside food, fried food, because these good bacteria make amino acids of protein on their own, these bacteria also help in making lysine and if there is a change in their reputation.

 If it comes, its effect reaches the scalp which becomes the cause of dandruff and other skin diseases the biggest enemy of these friendly bacteria is antibiotics, so if you move away from antibiotics and make probiotics a part of your diet, then you will notice that hair not only stops falling



In fact, the new hair that is growing is thicker than before. Probiotic foods include curd, fresh curd lassi, pickles with vinegar, coffee drinks, then after, sour crowd, and kimchi.

 If you get it, then you should make it at home. All probiotic foods improve gut health. Here I will talk about another hormone, this is DHD (DST), which is a powerful type of testosterone that destroys the hair roots and makes the hair thin, hence many medicines that cause hair loss. Actually comes with DST-inhibiting side effects


So the question arises whether there is any natural DHD-inhibiting substance that can be found in red meat? Or it goes in nuts, almonds, cashews, fish, and grains, zinc is found in abundance in all these, so by eating red meat in this way you will kill three birds with one stone because you are also getting lysine and lysine itself is also DST

. Eating more protein helps you in many places in the body. Topical use contains pumpkin seed oil and green tea extract. These are all-natural. DST inhibiting and hair loss can be prevented.


Another interesting fact is that when lysine is low in the body, triglycerides start increasing in the blood, and cholesterol starts remaining high the reason for this is low carotene in the body and if the precursor of carotene is lysine, then carotene will be formed and it is this carotene which These triglycerides, which are fat in the body, are converted into energy by taking them to the mitochondria. By eating red meat, lysine is converted into carnitine. Carnitine activates the mitochondria of the cells. Energy metabolism becomes faster, that is why after eating red meat, you feel energetic.


Lysine also reduces cortisol hormone which is a stress hormone. In this way, it also directly helps in reducing stress. It lowers the recovery heart rate and reduces the risk of herpes infection

. In another study, Research was done on rats in which lysine prevented the action of Gluc in the kidneys of rats whose blood sugar was high and improved insulin resistance. This lysine helps the body in many places. Chronic stress means that it lasts for a long time. DHD is a major cause of hair loss due to chronic stress.


Alopecia develops. This causes general hair loss. The cortisol hormone depletes zinc in the body. Why this happens because cortisol is a catabolic hormone.

 It breaks things down and stress activates cortisol. Our bodies long long-term sustained If it is not designed for the level of stress, then there are earlier videos on the channel on how to reduce cortisol, how to bring down stress


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