Turmeric-Golden Elixir these are the days of winter and in such a situation I recommend you use turmeric. Today we will see how you should use turmeric and whether to date you people are using turmeric in the wrong way. Deep investigation about turmeric.
There is a lot of news in which it is being seen that it also kills cancer cells, turmeric is also an antiviral agent, antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory, all its various roles are discussed in today's video. I will tell you in detail that fortunately we are in that part of the world.
Where we live, turmeric is used a lot traditionally, so let us count these countless benefits of turmeric. The use of turmeric helps in reducing insulin resistance and you know that insulin resistance is the thing due to which many people suffer from sugar problems these days. Cases come to the fore, that sugar is dangerous because there are many such complications related to it, for example, people's eyes get damaged, gleaning goes away, kidneys get damaged, digestion gets spoiled, and turmeric reduces all these complications. It is generally heard that
For people who have diabetes for a long time, their kidneys get damaged, which is called diabetopathy. The numbness or tingling in their arms and legs can get worse, which is called diabetic neuropathy. They can also suffer from blurred vision, which is called diabetic retinopathy. How does sugar destroy these AGEs of ours? Basically, AGE advanced glide end products create disease in our body due to which all these AGEs get affected and start getting damaged. According to research, phenol and flavonoids present in turmeric help in reducing AGEs. Destroys these dangerous chemicals
As a person grows old or develops diseases like diabetes etc., free radicals start accumulating in the human body or in other words the human cells get rusted.
Oxidation takes place inside the cells. So, just like the process of oxidation eats away at the iron, it gets rusted, similarly, human bodies also get rusted. If there was a process of oxidation, then antioxidants can be given to stop the process of oxidation and all the Ferris names that come in them are Turmeric is also included inside, according to a research it was seen that
It was said that people who had bad kidneys could not remove the chemical called urea from their kidneys, but when they used turmeric extensively in their lives, their kidneys became capable of removing the chemical called urea from the body through urine.
You must have often heard that protein comes out in the urine of people whose kidneys are damaged, especially the albumen. You must have often seen in reports that when protein starts coming out in your urine, then it means that your kidneys have been damaged to a great extent. Research It was observed that those people who used turmeric regularly
If the protein in their blood stopped flowing, then if turmeric is capable of protecting our kidneys, it has a rhino-protective effect, then it would be a very useful use.
Surprisingly, during the research, it was seen that in those people who regularly use turmeric, two chemicals called serotonin and dopamine were released in their brains. Apart from this, the concentration of another protein produced inside the brain called B-DNF also increases when these three are released in our brain. The level became high and because of this, our environment was saved from getting damaged.
So in the research, it was seen that those people who were suffering from depression, when they used turmeric regularly, then since these chemicals increased in their body, inside their brain, the symptoms of their depression actually decreased.
It was observed that as I told you in the beginning turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, it reduces swelling, it also reduced the swelling in the brain, due to which there was a significant reduction in depression, so it was as if turmeric had tamed the Asabi Nizam. It protects it from damage and is also given to patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
And it also showed very good results in them, then the best substance found in turmeric is called curcumin. Curcumin has been studied a lot in the world because its use increases the production of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine in our body.
Levels are regulated and since it is a very potent anti-inflammatory agent, it reduces swelling. When women used turmeric regularly before the onset of menstruation, there was a significant reduction in pain related to their menstruation. Remember that those women who a lot during menstruation
Those who have excessive bleeding should not use it because it also thins the blood, hence their bleeding may increase, so you must take this precaution. It has been seen in many randomized control trials that the use of turmeric reduces cholesterol levels.
It also reduces triglyceride levels, so those people who have fat in their blood, and who have got their tests done, can use turmeric. In the end, I will tell you the difference between real and fake turmeric. I will tell you the difference, so Keep turmeric with you, it is an excellent anthelmintic.
It also means that you can use it for children who have stomach worms. Add a little milk. If you mix half a spoon or a quarter spoon of turmeric inside it and give it to children at night, then the worms in the intestines of the children will die.
Turmeric is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent for those who have suffered any injury, sprain, or pulled tendons or joints. If there is pain in the pain due to any injury, then you can apply turmeric ointment on it or if you drink turmeric mixed with milk at night, then you will feel relief in pain and this is the use of turmeric which is generally used by people.
You also know that I often mention one thing, inflammation or swelling, so you can understand in simple language that when our intestines become sick, it can happen in any part of the body, and then its regular implementation takes place in our body. The effects that are produced inside the cells and inside the cells are called inflammation and are called inflammation.
Our body tries to deal with that problem, to heal it, to resolve the problem, but if our body fails to heal. Yes, it needs natural help and turmeric is such an anti-inflammatory agent.
You will see research on the screen that you can use to help your sales, in which it was seen that the use of turmeric led to the death of cancer cells, it also killed the cancer cells, I will talk about it in detail someday.
It will be in a separate video because the action is very interesting, let me tell you a little bit. Turmeric selectively targets the cancer cells in our body, that is, it identifies the normal cells and the cancer cells. It targeted only those cells. It limited those who had cancer, it limited them, it killed them and
It does not say anything to the normal cells and it is called selective toxicol in science because the anti-cancer agent is unique, it not only kills the cancer cells but also destroys the normal cells and can cause destruction in the entire body. But with the use of turmeric, it only killed the cancer cells and it destroyed the massive ATP-producing factories inside the cancer cells. You know that ATP is the energy currency of our cells. Our cells extract energy from it. Builds strength for yourself Tawana produces for yourself
So it went and destroyed those Tawana bases, gave cancer to those who were producing a lot of ATP energy in their factories so that they could divide as much as possible, they started dying, and those factories were bombarded by turmeric. And that is a brilliant mechanism of action. Let me tell you some other benefits in detail.
Those people who have IBS problems or Celiac disease can use it. There is research on this too. If you get benefit from it then you can use it. Do try it but in low doses which you need all the time.
It is also suitable for those who suffer from headaches. Those who often have acne on their face or have pimples can also use it. It is also a cure for those with fatty liver. You must use it for any liver problem. Yes, you can use it, then from all this discussion, you are definitely feeling one thing turmeric has immense medicinal effects. Talking about the dosage of turmeric, let's talk about half a tea spoon for adults and a quarter tea spoon for children. You can use it by mixing it in a cup of hot milk at night if children do not like its taste much.
If you do this then you can mix some honey in it and give it to them. Very commonly it is given by mixing it in milk and it is also called golden milk in common, so you cannot mix it in water because there is no solute in water.
Take it preferably with any oily food, you can take it with milk, you can take it with olive oil, you can take it with cheese, you can use it with these fruits, I told you that its absorption will increase, it will reach every corner and this will give you maximum It will be beneficial if you use it with milk, then definitely heat it because.
I was reading that if you heat it and use it, its effect increases 12 times. Another thing in the research was that when turmeric was used with black pepper, its effects increased significantly, that is if you use black pepper with it.
By mixing turmeric, the absorption of turmeric will increase and you will get its maximum benefit for your body. Remember one thing do not heat it for too long. 10 to 12 minutes of heat is enough and remember that those people who are suffering from chronic diseases. He is a victim of and has been ill for a very long time.
He has inflammatory disease and if he uses it regularly then there will be dramatic changes in his body. Often a question is asked in the comments especially in winter that our mucus is not getting cured, our cough is not getting cured, it is a fiber that does not give up.
So such people should also definitely use it at night. Those people whose nose is blocked all the time and they have trouble breathing especially at night should also definitely use it. So if someone uses it regularly in winter then throat infections and chest infections are often avoided.
Even if they get this infection, they are saved from its complications. So now let us mention how to identify turmeric. The first and most important thing is that you should always know about turmeric rhizomes.