Biodiversity Can Improve Crop Production
we mention many technologies. We look everywhere from small to space technology and we tell people about which technologies are being used in our country. A lot of benefits are being taken, today I am bringing to you a similar technology, this is a big experiment and we have included this experiment in the think tank playlist of Takhti Online because it is perfect for our country.
Being that we can get a lot of benefit from a little, we can collect a lot of produce from our fields if we read the Jadid research and I am bringing one such research to you. This research was done in the University of Casas and It was published in Nature Communication. I am also showing you this research paper here so that you can go and see this research paper and it has been stated in it that with small tricks you can greatly increase the yield of your crops. I am introducing you to James Beaver. James Beaver is a strategist and a scientist.
And he has come out with a very simple formula through which the yield can be increased. Let me also tell you that James Weaver is a Senior Scientist at the Cancer Biological Survey and Center for Ecological Research and Foundation and is a Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Also gave you information about it and they have come out with such a scheme in which crops grow very much and that scheme of Zara is very simple. Whenever we plant any crop, it suffers the most damage due to pathology. which our plants
They harm our crops. Microorganisms are present in the soil. If we plant pathogens, they attack the crops. I am showing you here that some pathogens damage the crops a lot. As you can see here, one of them has cells and Multi-cellular pathology is visible and in this, you can also see fungus. Pathology occurs in organisms that make their host sick. These microorganisms can also be bacteria, and viruses can also be unicellular. may also be multicellular may also be
They can be eukaryotes and can also be fungi. I am also showing you some pictures here, so you will see how the leaves are affected by diseases and this patholab is used to carry diseases from one place to another i.e. to transmit diseases. For this, insects have a big role in plants, air also has a role and along with it there are many other carriers, water is also used as a carrier, and there are also animals that take a plant from one place to another. They carry the disease to other plants, but if you have noticed all these diseases, they affect the crops very much.
If you go to the Chiraga place in the mountains, there are so many plants there but we see very few diseases. You will find very few diseases in the Chiraga places that are not grown by humans but in the crops grown by humans. If you get a lot of diseases, then what is the reason for this, and the reason for this is diversity. Diversity means that when you go towards Chirag Gah, you will see a variety of plants, there you will see different types of plants and not just one type of crop. If a sugarcane crop is planted then only the sugarcane crop is planted and the cotton crop is planted.
If it is, then it is planted there, you will see different types of plants and this is the thing which protects the plants from diseases. I am taking you towards the experiment which was done by Weaver sir and he took the land as a duty. It is my duty to take one acre, that is why I am saying that the measurement of the land is not given in this research paper. I am duty-bound to take one acre and in that acre, he has to plant vegetables, plants, crops, and he has planted six different species. Yes, this was taken from his research paper
There are six varieties of different plants and they planted them at random, so do one thing, they planted one row of cotton, then one of sugarcane, and then one of tomato, in this way they mixed and matched and when they planted different types of vegetables and fruits When more crops were planted at one place, he saw that the diseases attacked them very less, but when he planted the same variety of crop in seven acres, the diseases attacked him a lot. His research said that when we mix vegetables and crops, If we plant each crop then it belongs to a particular type of family.
They do patholab of sugarcane, they are attackers, do not do patholab of sugarcane, hence when you plant cotton with sugarcane, now they can do patholab but there is no favorable condition for them, now they cannot go towards cotton, they cannot go towards tomato. Can't go around and after that, you planted sugarcane after tomato, and now you have given patholab and controlled it. In the same way, patholab and diseases of cotton attacked the crops with very little intensity but when sugarcane was planted in one place. When they went, they carried out the same type of attacks. It was also mentioned in this study that
If the rings around it also start counting, then the acre in the middle that has a pathology on it will be doubled, that is, the attack on it will be doubled. Tholab is from China, and his picture was not available on the internet, so I could not plant it, I tried hard. He belongs to China Agricultural University, Beijing and he said that when we plant one variety of crop, it is called monoculture. Planted monoculture crop. It is said that polyculture is done on monoculture crops as compared to polyculture. Polyculture means that you have done multiple cultures.
Crops are planted, and monoculture comes from America. In America, only one variety of plants are planted on large parts of the land. If you look, you will see acres upon acres of corn fields there and there are patholabs there, but China has moved away from these now. Bringing a new idea, it is difficult to plant too many crops in one acre, it is also technologically difficult because you have to plant different types of plants, then in terms of their water, their water requirements are different, they need different pesticides, they need different fertilizers, so this is it's not that easy
You plant too many plants in one place, so in America, because it is considered very easy, the same crop is planted in more areas, now China is going to do different things from this and they are doing a lot of research that they can use polyculture. Go towards Mixing the plants and plant them. If you have planted vegetables at home, then mix them and plant them. If you plant one row of ladyfinger, then plant one row of turnip. If you mix and plant them in this manner, then you will see that there is very little vigor now. If there are diseases that affect them, then it is only for the crops.
Not only this, but it is also for homes, now China is working a lot on this technology, it is bringing these things in its gardens, in its crops, in outside areas everywhere, it is coming up with this scheme and that is I am also doing research on this that if I plant sugarcane in the middle then the path lab of sugarcane reduces. Assume that the patholab of sugarcane reduces, I am saying this because I do not have complete knowledge about it. So, cotton is ahead. Will plant, that is, they will plant such plants together whose path lab is completely different so that they
If they become absolutely localized, there are barriers between them and they cannot move towards each other and cannot add to them, then this is another way by which we are going to cast the crops further. We have moved towards polyculture, we have done monoculture. My request would be not to go aside, my request to our agriculture department would be to those people who see these things that they should warn people about this, these things should also be brought in the small gardening activities we do at home and The special challenge for us in this will be that if more varieties are grown in one field,
If the crops are planted then I don't know anything about how to give them pesticides, how to give them urea or fertilizer, and how to water them, we can do further research on this, I will also see if we do research on this. But it is the job of our government to take these ideas forward and in our country, where we have a backbone, we provide this type of simple technology in which you do not need any special money, we do not need any business.