Snoozing Helps brain to Awake


Waking up


Waking up some people from sleep is a very difficult task, they are woken up from sleep and then they fall back on the bed, sometimes they fall here, sometimes they fall there if they are alone. If someone is there, he will turn off his hair or put him to snooze. This is called snoozing. It is a very difficult situation and even if you make such a person stand up, he will not know that he has to brush his teeth. He will not know that he has to cook. He will not know that he has folded his clothes and you will be saved from various accidents.


Therefore, we have always understood that snoozing is not a very good thing, it is very bad for health and for sleep. Many studies were also done and our bias in them was our own bias. Maybe snoozing is not a good thing, but as we are studying this part of sleep, we are coming to know that this part also has great benefits for our body and this research has been done for our body.   Doctor name is Tina Sanlan. Tina Sanlan is a sleep researcher who is a senior researcher in Stockholm.

Tina Sanlan.


At the university and their work is that they did a lot of experiments on snoozing and did a lot of research and then they looked at whether the snoozing that we do in the morning is helpful for us or it can create more problems for us. Let me tell you that according to their research, snoozing is not at all dangerous for us, but if we see its effects on our health, then it is much better for us and now it is being said that our old thoughts that we were about to break will If you stay awake i.e. if you take broken sleep then you will lose your health.


It is not very good for sleep, it has got a dent due to this research. Let me take you towards this research and to understand this research, we should have a very good concept about sleep. There are cycles of sleep in our sleep. There are five cycles, I am showing you the picture of sleep here, yes, I am definitely showing the picture of sleep and if you see in this, we start from the waking state, we are awake and after that, we go into sleep stage. We go into stage one, which is light sleep, then we go into stage two, which is a slightly deeper sleep.


But still, we are operating in light sleep and then after some time we go into deep sleep which is called deep sleep and you have reached the very bottom part of this graph. Our memories are formed in deep sleep. And our brain gets cleaned and after spending some time in deep sleep, we again come into light sleep. comes into light sleep and then comes into the REM rapid eye movement phase of sleep. Rapid eye movement and part of sleep In which we dream, you must have noticed that people's eyes are closed but their


The pupils are moving inside, they are in action, and from this you get an idea that this man or this woman is dreaming, so this is the part in which we see dreams and all the other parts are especially called deep sleep. Rapid eye movement is called, so when we talk about sleep, we need four to five cycles in a night to complete sleep. If you take five cycles, the timeline of one cycle is 90 minutes to 120 minutes. Minutes, assume that one cycle of sleep is completed in 120 minutes. If you complete five cycles

five cycles


If you want to take it, then you multiply it by five, and you will get the idea that you have got about 8 hours of sleep, but if you are taking four cycles, then it means that now you are getting about one and a half hour or two hours less sleep. There are four to five cycles we need of sleep and if in these parts we are in stage one or stage two and we wake up then we will not have any problem, we will feel that we woke up very comfortably and we can go and do our work. But when we go into deep sleep, when we go into non-rum sleep, into deep sleep, or into rum sleep in which


When we dream, now the sleep is very deep. If we wake up in this part, we feel as if we are not able to understand anything, we do not even know where we are, at what time, and at what place. But the orientation gets completely spoiled because when we are coming from stage two to deep sleep, our brain especially relaxes our body and our muscles and the brain itself also goes into low operating profile. That is, it becomes slow at a very low level, it is operating at a very low level, now our brain should also become slow.


And we have relaxed our muscles and suddenly we get up, what will happen is that we will not understand anything, we will not know where we are and this is the reason why when we go to the office during the day When we come from work or in the office, we fall asleep and if we sleep for more than 30 minutes, it will be very difficult for us to wake up. If we sleep for 30 minutes, we will be in stage one or stage two. We will be in light sleep and will wake up immediately, which is called Kalala. We will be very fresh because a chemical has been drained from our brain which was taking us towards sleep.


Sleep pressure is called Adeno Sun, it is chemically drained and will be very productive when we go to the office or work again and our efficiency will increase a lot. I have been saying this for a long time if you want to increase the efficiency of your office then tell people to come after sleeping for 30 minutes and then sleep for 15 minutes. 15 to 30 minutes but if we go beyond 30 minutes then we have entered deep sleep and when we wake up after entering deep sleep then what will happen then what will happen is that we will not even know where our eyes will be closed. And this happened to me recently


What happened while driving was that I was not able to know what was coming from the front and in which direction I was going. There was so much disorientation because I had either woken up from deep sleep or I had woken up from rum sleep, hence sleep energy. To avoid this, sleep energy comes at the same time when you wake up from deep sleep. Your brain feels as if it is foggy. You will feel that there is fog over your brain. You will feel that after waking up, you will feel that you have become more lethargic. You will feel that your body is foggy. I am having pain even though I have slept the whole night but when I get down from this wedge I will wake up due to sleep inertia.


Which lasts from 15 to 1 hour, this condition can remain with you even for an hour, your concentration will reduce, your cognitive ability will reduce, and your ability to think and understand will reduce. Now in the afternoon, you go into deep sleep and you wake up. If you go to the office then for one hour you are a very low performer. This is a very important point, so now we have to avoid energy also and here comes this transition, we need some time between waking up from deep sleep or non-REM or REM sleep. And that time is completed by snoozing, this transition is completed by snoozing, so that man, that child


The one who wakes up and falls down, again and again, has woken up from deep sleep or non-REM sleep or REM sleep and is now moving towards the awake state, but because he has become so lethargic, his brain has become so slow that he Unable to wake up, Doctor Saheb gave simple Arithmetic questions to those people who were woken up from deep sleep or REM sleep and it was not advisable to do those questions. Those who took part in the experiment were given simple Arithmetic questions for half an hour. Couldn't even get up and were given some memory games, it also included object memory which is our


Both of them were given games and the interesting thing is that they had a lot of difficulty in memory too. They were advised to think and understand for 30 minutes and they got better after 45 minutes. I told you that one hour. If the effect lasts till then you remain a low performer for an hour and the reason for this is that when we wake up for the first time, a chemical starts being produced in our body which is called cortisone which is a stress hormone and Its work is also positive, it has to wake us up, make us focus, and make us focus.


He has to bring us into tension, then if the cortisone is produced in excess then we will come into focus immediately but if it is produced slowly then we will come into focus gradually. So when a man wakes up and falls again to sleep then now What happens is that cortisone is being produced, he wakes up again, and then within half an hour, so much cortisone has been produced that he starts to focus. If he does not focus, then there are very high chance that he will fall back into sleep again. It will go away, that's why it takes us 20 to 30 minutes. Some people, but not everyone.


People like to snooze and then turn off the alarm again and again and then get up and start doing their work, so this is a transition phase from deep sleep or REM sleep to the state where we are awake. This transition is very good because of this transition we are able to handle the sleep energy and spend that time in bed and when we get up from the bed, we are more alert than So that we get up from the bed in such a way that we don't realize the vases fall from here and our brains fall from here and we see that


What do we have to do? If we are ironing then we burn the clothes. If we are cooking then we leave the gas on. If we are taking a bath then we take a bath with hot water. These are all the things that are also related to safety and we can do this work. So now it is said that snoozing is a very good habit but let me tell you that snoozing is not better than sleeping. If you can sleep that half an hour and get up well then you should get up. Time should be spent in sleep but if you cannot sleep then snoozing is bad for children and adults.

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