Whiteholes Are Every Where



 Whiteholes Are EveryWe had set out to detect white holes because we had seen that black holes can convert into white holes after billions of years and black holes and white holes give us a We can also make time machines which exist a lot in our universe, but till date, we have seen many black holes. To find the answer to the question of why we could not see white holes, we are moving towards the discovery of black holes. Will go because when we first detected the black hole, it was in 1970 and


Even in 1970, we did not see the black hole directly, but we saw that there is a place in our galaxy, we saw through telescopes around which the stars are revolving, some stars rotate very fast, and some stars rotate very slowly. People were surprised as to what was present at this place. Some people thought that there was a star present at this place which is not visible but after that, we got an idea because Einstein's theory was also telling us this and his solutions were telling us that If black holes exist then the name of a black hole was present everywhere and it was

black hole and white hole


Gardena used to be known as a fantasy but then for the first time, science started saying that a black hole was present at this place but for 30 years to 35 years the scientific community did not believe much in the black hole. Even in 2000 and 2005, on Science Day Big scientists were saying that black holes do not exist, but do you know when in human history we received the first signal from a black hole? Let me take you to the time of 1930 and even further back to 1930. Bell Labs made a series of antennas in Diha. The reason for making that series of antennas was this.

bell lab antenna 1930s


Well, so that we can see that when we communicate from one place to another, the noise that comes in it or the sound that is spoiled, how can it be rectified, then we wanted to learn noise distribution. In technical terms, we wanted to learn noise distribution but what happened was that when this antenna was made, it started receiving a strange signal. Now people were very surprised. Scientists were very surprised and they saw which direction this antenna was coming from. So when they tried to measure the direction of this signal,


It was found out that it is coming from the center of the Milky Way and today we know that there is a huge black hole in the center of the Milky Way which is called Sagittarius A. We had taken its signals in 1930 but we had no idea. Had no idea, in 1970 we went and saw from the stars, then we realized something and after 2005, we started talking to Sanji about black holes and started research on it. Is this not the case with white holes? Maybe we have white holes. We have seen the holes and we still need 50 years to understand that what we have seen are white holes.


Just as in the case of black holes, it took almost 50 years for us to understand that these signals were coming from black holes. Yes, this is exactly the situation and now it seems that we have seen white holes. Let me also tell you that when We had talked about that we go inside the black hole and it shrinks, so it means that the black hole is getting very small, it is getting smaller with time, if someone is looking from outside, then it will take billions of years. Billions of years will be seen and in Billions of Years Hawking tells in radiation that the black hole is evaporating and we


Quantum Loop Theory also tells that the black hole is getting compressed, it is shrinking from the inside, so the space-time of the black hole is curving, it is shrinking and it is becoming smaller and smaller, and then a time will come that transition. And transition means that whatever is inside will come out. Now our mathematics tells us that when a black hole shrinks so much that it becomes the size of a hair, then it becomes a white hole. The size of can be equal to a hair but how can we test this thing? Our universe


The big black holes that were formed in the universe started forming after the Big Bang, about 700 million years after the birth of the universe, which is called Kozaar. They were very big black holes, they were massive black holes. Today these black holes are It has been billions of years since they were formed and if it has been billions of years since they were formed then it means that these black holes may have turned into white holes and in our space, you will get a soup of white holes because these white holes are very I have put a picture of bacteria here just to show you that they are small.


Exactly like this, there will be these invisible white holes which will be floating, they will be everywhere, they will behave like matter but do not interact with light and there will also be gravity, so if I think that such a thing We cannot see, that which we cannot detect and it has gravity, so has we seen such a thing and the form of matter is dark matter? Yes, dark matter, so dark matter is the first contender, so dark matter is the first famous medium. Due to this we suspect that instead of the dark matter here, we will find white soup inside.


If you do not know about dark matter, then let me tell you that there is much more dark matter in our universe than visible matter. It is approximately 25 to 27 percent dark matter and if you look at a galaxy, you will see the galaxy very small but there is a huge mass around it that is not visible, which translates to its speed, this is called dark matter. And if this dark matter is a lump sum bill of white holes then zillions of white holes will be present in it, due to this its gravity becomes very high. Now the question is whether we have doubted it.

zillions of white holes


We have made a hypothesis that dark matter can be made up of white holes, but to prove it right, we will have to go towards experimentation, then we will have to make a complete model from the Big Bang till now, in which way the universe was formed and in which way it became black. Holes were formed and then how did the black holes dry up? The things that were formed out of them were white holes. How did those white holes come in the form of dark matter? We will have to make models, we will have to do simulations, we will have to make equations, and after that, we can reach this thing. Whatever we are talking about is going toward the hypothesis


This hypothesis is really correct but there is another method and that is direct detection. This is indirect detection but there is also direct detection and indirect detection we can do various calculations. For example, we know that there is a lot of dark matter in our galaxy. Is present and let me also tell here that if dark matter is seen in solar masses then it is equal to trillions of solar masses. From these calculations, we can estimate how many white holes there will be. This work was done very easily. It can be said that when these calculations are being done then at that time


We came to know that there are so many white holes that after some time a white hole passes through this room. If a white hole is passing through here then we can detect it but how will it be detected because it is It is also free from any type of measurement because we do not see it interacting with the matter. I am telling you about Dr. Carlo Ravelli whose entire research is his research. He is making a quantum detector and the function of that quantum detector will be this. that whenever the white hole passes by him he will


Will try to detect, now how will it detect? Well, white holes do not interact with matter but there is one thing that we can detect, that is gravity, so we are making a quantum detector that can detect gravity. And then to tell us about white holes, let me tell you that whenever we move towards a new theory, we have to change our perspective, we have to do mind travel, for example, the scientist who said that the earth is in the void. He must not have thought of keeping his mind on the ground, he must have done mind travel.


He must have thought if I go above the ground, what will I see because at that time we see the ceiling as the sky, he traveled, he traveled in his mind and when he traveled in his mind, he left his old beliefs behind. So then he made a new innovation just like the first scientist made maps of the world, if he made maps while staying on the ground, he thought that he was on the ground and was making maps, then his maps are very different but he thought that How does an eagle see the ground? If I am in the eagle's place, now that mind.


He traveled, went out of his comfort zone, left behind his belief system, and the things he believed in, went to space for a while, went into the air and after going there, he thought about what the land looked like and he thought about it in his mind. Finally, let me give you an example of another scientist, Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein says that imagination is more important than knowledge because Albert Einstein was the scientist who thought that if I sit on a ray of light If I look, what will I see? Would any common man think like this?


Maybe, but he had to give us a new theory and for that theory, he had to change his perspective, he had to imagine and after that when he started thinking about this thing, he gave us a theory which probably will influence us for centuries. If you want to keep making an impact, then it is important that if you want to discover something new, if you want to discover something, then at some point challenge the things you are thinking right now, which are your belief systems, which come from your culture. Challenge those that come from your everyday life and when you challenge


And if you do mind traveling, only then you will be able to bring new things and show them to the world. Imagination is very important for mind travel. Today we are the author of this whole series of our white holes in which we told you how white holes are different from black holes. And at this time of white holes, the things on which we suspect that these white holes can be, what are they, are they dark matter, and how can they be detected? So, when various organizations are working independently on dark matter. If they also succeed in detecting him


So they will tell us whether these are white holes or not and if we detect white holes then now among the few things left about Einstein that we have not detected, a very big thing is white holes which are his equations. If she comes into his solution then she

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