Glutathione | Vitamin C - The Ultimate Body Boost
I have started presenting a combination of Gluta N and Vitamin C. Gluta N is an excellent antioxidant agent, it is an antiaging agent, does not allow your body to rust, keeps your body young, and prevents damage to your internal organs. Gluta is an excellent tonic for those people who are suffering from diabetes. It is also very important for those people who are suffering from Parkinson's disease. have an autoimmune disease such as lupus or rheumatoid
I also recommend for those suffering from arthritis or celiac disease, and those children who are suffering from autism, if they are diagnosed early, then they should definitely be given gluten. It prevents damage to the intestinal system of children whose lungs are the cause of any disease.
For example, the lungs of people who have been damaged due to Corona virus were very much affected by it. Such people should also take gluta or those people who have a disease called Cystic Fibrosis should also use glutathione. A very interesting thing. I have started sharing with you those people who spend many nights
They remain awake, they have made it their habit that they do not sleep, and they do not get proper sleep at night. The substance called gluten starts getting depleted inside their body, so the first thing you have to do is to get proper sleep at night, if during the day.
Even if you sleep twice as much as at night, your deficiency will still not be fulfilled because obviously, the chemicals released in our body at night are not there during the day, so if you spoil this circuit rhythm, then you will -You will become a victim of various diseases and your body will also start aging, so those people who
Gluta this supplement is also necessary for those who have a habit of staying awake at night. Take gluten supplements and also improve your night sleep pattern Inshallah, many of your health issues will be solved.
Apart from this, those people who suffer from fatty liver. If you are a victim or if you have increased liver enzymes, get LT and Alkaline phosphate liver function test done, then if these enzymes are increased gluta is a rich tonic for such people too and it basically prevents liver damage. Talking about Vitamin C. Let's take Vitamin C which gives benefits to your body like
Vitamin D is important for our digestive system, however, Vitamin C is also important for this. Let me tell you an interesting thing. For those people who smoke continuously or are chain smokers, I would recommend Vitamin C to them along with quitting smoking. Vitamin C is an essential supplement for those people who use sub-standard or poor-quality tobacco.
Vitamin C and glutathione, since both give strength to the lungs, this combination is best for such people. You have not only Quit smoking but taken vitamins
You will have to take the C Plus Gluta combination only then your condition will be better. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, hence its side effects are almost negligible.
Those people who use it regularly, their blood vessels get strengthened and their blood pressure also gets reduced due to it. If it remains regulated then those who have hypertension and high blood pressure should also use it.
Those people who are suffering from heart problems. Apart from this, for those people who have gout and whose uric acid remains constantly high due to this, there is pain in their joints. Those people must also use Vitamin C.
The defense system is weak, seasonal diseases keep troubling him all the time, and viral infections keep repeating again and again, if his wounds are not healed and take too long to heal, then I give Vitamin C to such people as well as Vitamin D.
I also recommend Vitamin C. It is such a vitamin that after using it you will immediately feel the energy flowing in your body, just like if you take a cup of coffee, after that your performance gets enhanced and your tiredness goes away. You become more focused and you feel your energy levels increase.
This happens because due to this, hormones like catechol, mein, adrenaline, etc. start getting produced rapidly inside our body. When their release increases, the body becomes active and alert. Similarly, you will clearly feel the effect of Vitamin C. You are well aware of the conventional dosage forms in which tablets, capsules, and injections come, so while staying within today's topic, let me introduce you to another dosage form of Gluta and Vitamin C. Now also in the form of a transdermal patch. Now both of these are available
You can apply the combination on the skin and the skin will pull it and absorb it and deliver it to the systemic circulation beneath it, that is, it will deliver it to the blood vessels, so if you are thinking that by applying it on the skin, there will be no benefit. How does the medicine reach inside our blood, so let's find the answer today. So this is a transdermal patch, this is our skin, let me explain it and if you have to apply this patch on your skin, then there are some layers inside our skin. There are layers. The
The uppermost dark wall of our skin is called the stratum corneum. It is said that inside this transdermal patch, there are vitamins, there are supplements, gluten, and vitamin C are present, so we will apply it on the skin here on the outer surface, on the stratum corneum, and this stratum corneum is the entire layer of this epidermis. It is absolutely a bare part, it is a bare wall, it is absolutely a bare membrane, so the aim is to deliver this medicine inside the body, to deliver it to the blood vessels, so just like you use the door to enter the room.
You use your mouth to take a tablet or capsule, obviously, that makes sense, but if you deliver the drug through the skin, then it does not seem possible for the drug to penetrate, so how is this possible? So, in fact, in this system, the medicine or supplement or vitamin is incorporated into a liquid i.e. my or semi-solid i.e. neem solid, or in the form of a patch which you see here, and then it is applied to the skin. It is placed above, now you note down the events that follow.
Go here, let me explain a little, so you have applied a pay-for-example patch here and this brown wall of the skin, the stratum corneum, is very thick. We have to pass the medicine through it, so the medicine you are applying on the skin is of this patch. If it is lipid soluble in form, that is, it is soluble in fat, the medicine of special quality will come out of this patch, pass through the epidermis, and reach inside the dermis and then inside the dermis, as you can see, there are blood vessels, blood drains, then these After reaching inside, it enters our blood of systemic circulation.
But some drugs are water soluble, i.e. not lipid soluble or fat soluble, then some penetration enhancers are added inside them which enhance this process of penetration. This epiderm layer has fats present inside it, so the drug enters these parts of the layer through the stratum corneum, the upper part of the epidermis, where fats are present, then the drug gets mixed inside this fatty matrix and then He penetrates its lower layer which
It is called the dermis, it has to reach there and this is the target because blood vessels are present inside it and from here, our head circulation, our blood vessels have to pick up this drug, inside this dermal layer or dermis. There are fine drains or capillaries, these are also called capillary loops, inside which the medicine enters and gets absorbed. These small blood vessels transport the medicine into the systemic circulation and systemic circulation means that it reaches the blood vessels through twelve paths. For this medicine to reach the target
Transdermal Patches do not require much trouble and hard work. The medicines used in the case of Surat do not become a burden on the liver and as you know the liver also does the activation of drugs, then you can get maximum relief from the medicines given through this route. Because their activation is not done by the liver, so today I am presenting one such transdermal patch in front of you. You can see on the screen that it contains both gluten and vitamin C. You can use one patch daily or alternate. One patch can be used every day or every other day.