Head Injury Makes Kids Dumb


Today I am going to draw your attention to an important issue on which no matter how much emphasis is given, our children and our elders suffer head injuries. So we consider it to be a very normal thing. If a wound occurs due to that injury, then we wait for it to be bandaged and the wound to become soft. The wound heals very quickly because children often fall out of bed. Their arms get hurt, but they don't even get hurt, they go on swings, they get hurt, they fall from bicycles, they get hurt, and so on.


We understand that the child is becoming firm, it is a word and yes, the child is becoming firm, the child is becoming firm, the child is becoming firm and we consider it a normal thing. Now if he gets injured, he will heal and we will understand that. This child is completely normal but today's science tells us that it is not necessary that the child is normal and you can realize this only in his youth, at that time you may not know that the injury has happened to his brain. What a deep impact it has left on you. That child may seem absolutely normal to you, but as the child grows up,


You may notice that this child has many shortcomings compared to other children and then you realize that perhaps this child is a victim of some disease or his brain is not working properly, but our attention should never be on that childhood injury. Due to this nothing happened, a few drops of blood fell, and Allah Allah Khair Salla, I take you towards a study and that study was done on the players of the American National Football League, National Football League is also called NFL. So when I say the word NFL then you have understood that it is a football league and there is rugby in it.


People wear helmets, wear heavy clothes, have protective active dressing, they carry the football from one place to another and for that they use force, they take punches, they are physical, and there are a lot of injuries, but I would have brought you. I am again on the side of Dr. Daniel Amon, whom we have already known, Dr. Daniel Amon. If you do not know, he is an American celebrity doctor, and psychiatrist and has achieved a lot on brain disorders. It has been 30 to 40 years. He has been to New York five times while working in this field.

National Football League players


He has been a time best seller, has written more than 30 books, and is counted among the top brain scientists. He trained 160 National Football League players and scanned their brains. When he did the research and published his research paper and his report, the world went into a frenzy because out of 1070, 159 159 people were victims of brain damage and their brains were damaged. This is a big problem for the football league. It was a matter of great concern that his players were suffering from brain problems.


If you are a victim, then let me bring you to a particular case. This is the case of a very big NFL player whose name is Anthony Marshon Davis. Anthony Marshon Davis came to the doctor in 2007. He was a very big player and was living in Los Angeles. He used to play for the Lakers, I don't know that much but he felt that his brain was facing a lot of problems, he was forgetting things and he was not able to do even the daily tasks, so he went to the doctor in 2007. He came and said that I had mental problems. The doctor said that it is okay with you.


Let's scan, at this time the age of this player was 54 years and when his brain was scanned which I am showing you here because it has been publicized a lot and it is a big report, then the age of his brain was 85 years. The age of the player was 54 years and the age of the brain was 85 years. The doctor said that I can treat you. The world did not believe it but he started treating Anthony and after a year this report was published again. done and in which Anthony said he was feeling much better


He has started remembering things, he does not forget things and now he has started doing his work normally. Now what was there, all the players of the NFL started coming to Doctor Saheb. In the last 20 years, all the players have come to him. 80 percent of the players who have come have controlled their brain diseases or brain problems, that is, their healing has been done, and they have gone back healthy, but the 83,000 scans done by the doctor were the harshest things he talked about. The thing that is very important for this video is that when at a young age we


Children get hurt on their heads. For example, there is a small child and he was lying on the bed and one day he turned over and fell down from the bed. Now he got hurt on his head and we went and fixed his head a little like this. It is perilous, at that time you will not realize that the doctor says that these injuries in which wounds appear outside or may not appear, they damage the brain. I have seen many such brain scans in which wounds are seen inside the brain. There were marks and when I asked my parents, they told me that I fell from a swing at a young age.


Had fallen from the bicycle, had fallen from the bed at a young age and that's why when I asked his parents, 'Okay this child, later on, you felt the lack of him in the world. Most of the parents said that their child was actually a little behind in some field or the other as compared to other children while understanding the everyday things in intelligence. So the doctor said that the most important thing is in your body. That is your mind and protect your mind. I will take you to another doctor, Doctor Bennett Omel, whose picture you see.


Here you see, he is a Nigerian American physician. He is a very famous doctor and he discovered a new disease of the brain. This disease occurs when there is too much pressure or injury on the brain, which is called concussion. If your brain has more than one concussion. If you have been a victim, then this disease can make you sick. The name of this disease is Chronic Trauma Encephalopathy. Before he discovered this disease, we did not know about this disease. In this disease, your brain is shown to you in this picture. So when If CT Advanced  recently went into the advanced stage, then your

Nigerian American physician


You see how the brain starts to horn up and this happens when children get injured or children get trauma, they go through a major accident or a mental trauma in their childhood, and at that time this disease afflicts them. That's why Doctor says that those sports in which you fight each other like wrestling will become like American football. We should do so much with those sports. Those sports should be banned. Now this is very much against the NFL. And they want to ban it but the NFL is a big community


 It is obvious that it is a big sport, there is a lot of money behind it and all these things are there so they will not lag behind so easily because of this research but we have a lot to learn from their research because in our country it is considered a big crime. That is the use of a helmet, whether we are going on a motorcycle, whether we are doing sports, whether we are cycling, we make everything safe but we do not make our head safe, we tell four people and go on the motorcycle. And if an accident happens, if they get head injuries then understand that they


Young children cannot use their brains fully in the Future. I have never seen it in very educated communities. It is seen that they are wearing helmets but a helmet worth Rs. 1000 can save your child's Mustaqbil, so we should think about this. Where are we spending our money? I often wonder whether we are spending our hard-earned money in the right place are we just passing through the world or are we just doing what the world is doing. The better way is to use your money for your safety if your


The child asks for a gun from which many sounds come, so first of all give him a helmet because near me, when your child takes the first turn, then near his bed, you should either put a mattress under it or put something like this. Let me put it that if I am ever here or I am not here and this child falls down, then his brain will not be screwed. If you have to give the child a bicycle, give him a helmet. When the child learns to walk in the house he will fall. Give him a small helmet and tie something on his head such that it does not hurt his head.


If you think, I tell the same thing to the schools also, today I have given you this awareness that the most precious thing in your house is that most of the people will say that it is our children or we or our parents. Protect their mind because they have everything. The most valuable thing is the mind, so it is the mind in your home that is the most valuable protecting these minds, whether in the school, in the playground, or in our home, is essential for us, so I would also tell the schools that they should Do not allow children to do sports in which there is a risk of injury, especially head injury.


If there is a doubt, do not make such stairs from which children fall down and get injured. We should not buy such bicycles which become unbalanced very quickly and cause injuries. Spend a little money but keep your children's minds and heads safe. Make it because if your child's head gets damaged once and a scar appears on his brain, then science tells us that even after 17 years, you start seeing sudden changes in his behavior and then you do not understand. Why is this happening because it has been working perfectly fine for 17 years?


It happens that the child's brain is working absolutely fine and then this thing cannot be understood in medical science, but today's research now tells us that injury to the brain is the biggest threat to the future of your child. 

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