Time Machine in Our Universe


black hole


We went inside the black hole in search of the white hole. Yes, I have told in the previous videos that we can go inside the black hole and when we go inside the black hole When it enters, initially the black hole is very big, it is open and its funnel also slowly starts getting bigger, but when its funnel and its tail start getting bigger inside the black hole, then it also starts shrinking. And space-time starts to curve, this means that we will gradually get compressed.


But suppose that we survive for some reason and we do not die, then there will come a time when that shrinking curve will have shrunk so much that space-time cannot be more curved than that and at this time a new theory comes because Einstein's theory does not tell us what will happen next but now a new theory is coming which is called quantum loop theory and in this theory, we are told that at that time a jump will come, a transition will come and what will be that transition that when If a black hole shrinks, shrinks, shrinks completely, then at that time the funnel of the black hole will gradually become smaller.


The big thing will start getting smaller and whatever is inside it will come out of the black hole, that is, now it has become a white hole. And in Einstein's Theory of Relativity and especially in the solutions of equations of the General Theory of Relativity, we saw white holes, where we saw black holes and we saw that black holes now exist in our world. Now we have seen black holes, at present white holes also exist there, but


To date we have not seen the white hole, I am going to show you in these last two videos but I am going to tell you that white holes exist in our world and maybe we know about them but first of all, let us go towards a very big science. Whose name is Dr. Stephen Hawking? Dr. Stephen Hawking was the first scientist who tell us that when a black hole evaporates, a big black hole will shrink into a very small black hole, but if something is shrinking then it is giving energy out. The black hole is finally loosening up


For how they are losing energy, for this we will have to read a concept and I will tell you very easily which is called quantum fluctuations. We understand that when we talk about a vacuum when we talk about space, there is a vacuum in it.

 And vacuum means that nothing exists there, but today's small science which we call quantum physics, quantum mechanics tells us that it is not so, but vacuum is where we understand that there is nothing. There are also small fluctuations called field fluxional quantum fluctuations.


Now your question will be where does this quantum fluxion come from? I am showing you the quantum fluctuations here in the picture also. Quantum fluxion is caused by two virtual particles which arise suddenly. Yes, absolutely not from anything.

 We don't know this but they are suddenly born, two particles, one has positive energy, one has negative energy, one is matter, one is anti-matter and suddenly those two are born and they travel for some time and after some time they If we meet then now this is matter and if this is anti-matter then what?


Together they will release unaltered, very small, very small particles. You understand that there will be an explosion and these particles will release energy, so now everywhere in the entire space, here and outside, here too, two very small particles are being created. They go a little distance and analyze, then they are being formed, then they are being analyzed, then they are being formed, then they are being analyzed. We call this entire process these particles as virtual particles and we call the end of this entire process Virtual particle annals and annals that contain matter and antimatter


You have to remember that when particles meet, they release energy. Now this work is happening everywhere, it is happening in space too and the same work is also happening at the edges of the black hole. Now imagine that the edges of the black hole are What do we call that? What do we call event horizon? Two particles were born outside the event horizon, one anti-matter and one matter and they remained outside for a while and remained outside the black hole

They remained away from the event horizon and went and got elated. So the black hole doesn't matter but if two particles are born outside the event horizon and on the other side of them


If a particle gets trapped in a black hole, if it comes beyond the horizon, it will not be able to go back because the gravity of the black hole is so high that it does not even allow light to go back, so that particle will not come back and the other particle is left outside. Here science tells us that when a black hole takes these particles, it does so by radiating energy, the reason for this is very scientific, so I am not going to tell it in this video, but it radiates energy and mass, i.e. loose. Now the number of particles of a black hole


Virtual particles will go inside, the black hole will slowly radiate energy, it will lose mass and it will become smaller, this is called Stephen Hawking Radiation. From these radiations, we come to know that after a very long time, billions of years, the black holes will shrink and become very small. Let me also tell you that this entire process will take billions of years, it will not happen immediately but this process. So pretend I went inside the black hole if there is a big black hole, then I will go inside the black hole in a few minutes, now Sukadewa Sukadewa Sukadewa and so much


It will shrink that now there will be a quantum jump, if there is a transition, then this whole process will take a few minutes and the quantum jump has happened, after the quantum jump, in the same few minutes, I will come back from the black hole, then I will feel that I am in a few minutes. I went inside the black hole and if nothing happens to me, which is not possible, let us assume that if nothing happens, I come back within a few minutes, so it means that within a few minutes, I will go inside the black hole. This means that very little time has passed inside, but in comparison to this, billions of years have passed outside.


The Theory of Relativity tells us this and especially the General Theory of Relativity tells us that in comparison to this, if the observer is seeing the same thing from outside, then it will take billions of years to see the entire process which is happening inside the black hole. It became possible in just a few minutes. Now this is a very important point because a few minutes inside and billions of years outside, don't you feel that we are not making a time machine. There are various time machines in the universe, so imagine that I am making you a time machine. I walk towards that time machine which is the front door, there is a time machine inside.


There is a door in front, that is a black hole, so you went inside the black hole, okay yes, and the one time going on outside is X time, this way it is X time, you went inside the black hole, you went inside for a few minutes and then transition. It happened and you came out in a few minutes and when you came out, now what is this door, it is no longer a black hole, now it has become a white hole because it has taken you out, so white holes make you and take you out, neither is this white hole. And now what is the time?

x time


If I go and come out a few minutes later, I will see the solar system as it will be billions of years in the future. I have traveled in time for billions of years. The place is the same. You have to remember that we are traveling in time. We are not traveling in space.

 Don't get confused by the picture that I am showing you here perhaps you will think that we are going through a blue-black hole which is shown in blue color and we are traveling in space. This is not space, this is time, so we entered a place where there was a black hole, and after that billions of


After a year we came out from there and we did time travel, this means that time machines are present in our universe and we can find those time machines if we detect black holes and white holes. 

Well, we have detected the black hole, we have seen it, we have seen two, but can we detect the white hole? Yes, we can detect the white hole and there are two ways in which science can do it. One method that is doing a lot of work is the direct method by which we can directly see the white hole or sense that it is


There is a white hole and we can detect it but the other way is the indirect method and how is the indirect method? When we detected the black holes, the stars were gathering around a place and were rotating, then we realized that there was a white hole here. If there is a thing, we cannot see it directly, but we can indirectly guess from the movement of the stars that there is something at this place due to which all these things are rotating around it. In the same way, we can also detect white holes. And at the moment a lot of work is being done on this, what should that work be?


What kind of technology is being created and don't we already know about white hole? Perhaps you have not heard the name of a white hole. 


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